

Responses from geoffkait

Experimenting with reversing polarity to speakers
jsrtheta wrote,"It is certainly best to keep polarity correct and consistent throughout the recording chain, and it is also recommended. But given the number of processes and amount of gear in modern recording it is difficult, and not a priority, ... 
Experimenting with reversing polarity to speakers
"Many of you graduating today from Acme Audio Engineering School will go on to big things. The rest of you will become recording engineers." πŸ˜› 
Directionality of wire
Ouch! Very ouch! Slow day at Domino's Pizza, Georgie Boy? πŸ• πŸ• 
Directionality of wire
Costco_ emoji, Have you given any consideration to laying off the bud? And could you also try to lighten up and get a sense of humor somehow?Β  
Will preamp manufacturers tell you if the model is phase inverse?
According to the Polarity Pundit, who has probably looked into the whole polarity issue for not only CDs but also LPs, much more than anyone else, Clark Johnsen's book on the subject notwithstanding, the actual percentage of CDs that are in revers... 
Graphene in fuses and cost
Pop quiz! Hurray! πŸ˜€ Why is the new Synergistic Research Blue Fuse blue?We know why the SR Black Fuse is black. I'm not sure we know why their Red Fuse is red. But here's a multiple choice quiz, why are SR Blue Fuses blue?a. They're sad. Well, kind... 
Furukawa power cables
shadorne informs me that cables don't make any audible difference so there should be no difference between real cable and fake ones. Am I missing something? 😳 
BEST brand for Classical Recordings?
Astree and Lyrita and Nonesuch. Super duper!Β  
Graphene in fuses and cost
Wow! That’s gotta be a real pain to determine directionality. 😩 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
theaudiotweakThe perfect room would sound like the the open air spaces of a desert or the Bonneville salt flats when no one’s racing. With no boundary effects other than salt or sand below the resulting p- wave would have little or no interference... 
Graphene in fuses and cost
Many systems have at least 10 fuses? Shazam! I did not know that. πŸ™„I think the best advice I can give perhaps is if you can't afford aftermarket fuses don't buy them. Tip for the financially strapped: even stock off-the-shelf fuses are directional... 
Directionality of wire
Stalker No. 2 checks in. What is this the Revenge of the Nerds Pt. 2? I did get the last word, though. Chalk one up for kosscrosst.Β  
Is it the beer or do speakers/electronics really need some extended warm-up period?
Hey, my amp just caught fire and exploded! Gosh, it must have been thermally unstable. Rats! πŸ€ πŸ€ πŸ€ 
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
Would it be presumptuous of us to expect an apology from jujitsu after his little get together? πŸ˜› 
Is it the beer or do speakers/electronics really need some extended warm-up period?
Wow, I did not know that. 😳