Responses from geoffkait
$10k Speaker Cables?????????????? Uh, glubson, I’m not going to hurt n80. You worry too much. We’re just having a difference of opinion, that’s all. There’s nothing wrong with that, is there, glubby? He is rather snooty, if you want my opinion. Newbies should never be snooty. But ... | |
$10k Speaker Cables?????????????? glubson, all I can think of is it must be one of those newbies sticking together things. Peas 🤢 and carrots. 🥕 addendum: Regardng your last post are on acid right now? | |
$10k Speaker Cables?????????????? n80, no offense but judging by *your words* I know quite a bit more about the subject of testing than you do. I was the Govt witness for Final Test of a 2 Billion Dollar communications system, among many other things. Anyway, the point is negative... | |
$10k Speaker Cables?????????????? What PT Barnum said that’s relevant here is, people would generally be much better off if they believed in too much rather than too little. | |
Songs for Speaker Placement I don’t hear it as boomy. I hear it as dynamic and resonant. It’s his boot heel. | |
Greatest debut album LITTLE RICHARD 1958 | |
$10k Speaker Cables?????????????? Actually I’m all for blind testing. I just think blind tests don’t necessarily mean anything. Nothing too heavy. And people think they’re SO scientific. Give me a break. Who are these people, English majors? Drug industry Mavericks? They think the... | |
$10k Speaker Cables?????????????? Yeah! Let’s hear it for blind testing! 😜 | |
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat Whoa! Thousand Oaks had some really bad things happen there recently. Absolutely horrible. | |
$10k Speaker Cables?????????????? Cheap audio gear is the new heroin for the poor, the downcast, and those who’ve given up. 😀 | |
Greatest debut album Led Zep 1 has blah sonics? Whoa! I did not know that. 😳 | |
Best wood under audio components? Himalayan salt lamps have a nice warm glow and provide low level light in the space. Other than that I doubt they do anything although they were and maybe still are msrketed as producing negative ions since salt is a pyroelectric material, I.e., p... | |
$10k Speaker Cables?????????????? OK, let’s see, who’s making more money, the dude selling 10 speaker cables @ $10K per pair or the dude selling 100 speaker cables at only $200 per pair? Oh, wait! Crap, I see what you mean! | |
How are you hearing no difference? There are so many factors involved it’s almost absurd. You got your time of day, you got your day of the week, you got weather conditions, I.e., high low pressure system/rain soaked ground, mistakes in the system, hearing issues, among many others. | |
$10k Speaker Cables?????????????? Hey, that’s chump change, pal. The Siltech Emperor Crown can be yours for $40,000. |