

Responses from geoffkait

What is the most dramatic way of increasing a speaker's Bass and Low mid?
Translation: cables are the last 1% in the pro audio world. 🤠Equivalent statement: sound quality is the last 1% in the pro audio world. 😛 
Talk but not walk?
It appears audio websites that were once powerhouses, thriving and active and enthusiastic, dry up and blow away like so many dandelions in a stiff breeze as soon as Michael leaves the building. Stereophile is now a vast wasteland. Did they all pa... 
Thinking about a new, lower end CD Player
Good things come in small packages. No power cords, no interconnects, no f@#$& up house AC, no fuses, no speaker cables. And none of the distortion those things bring to the table. No real estate Issues or room acoustics crap to deal with, eit... 
What is the most dramatic way of increasing a speaker's Bass and Low mid?
dumbeat OPYes? isn’t the direct connection to the floor, full on, amplifying somewhat the lows? >>>>But not much more than an inch or two above the floor with cones, or so it would appear.Would isolation not kill that acoustic amplific... 
99$ Digital cable is damn good
Relax, it’s only a hobby. Who died and made you the moderator?  
Greatest debut album
Whoopsy daisy, well the first one was good too. 😀 
$10k Speaker Cables??????????????
I live with a PhD economist too, a Harvard PhD. They don’t seem to understand that there is no Law of Diminishing Returns in high end audio. You see, when you can potentially double the performance of an audio system just by reversing the fuse or ... 
Thinking about a new, lower end CD Player
2psyopGeorge (OP)will probably never come back to this thread. He probably never intended to get another budget CDP. The suggestion to use a portable CDP (Walkman, Discman, Funkman or whatever) to connect to his stereo. I think that is more in lin... 
Thinking about a new, lower end CD Player
glupson"Now, you’re probably going to take this the wrong way, but it seems to me you don’t know much of anything."So far, it seems that you are the clueless one. When I do not know, I ask. You claim and it is so wrong that it is sad. Many of us f... 
$10k Speaker Cables??????????????
I was quite alarmed to learn glubson shaved all his body hair. Is he going all medieval on us?https://youtu.be/VoP1E9J4jpg 
What are fuses used for?
Wolf, we all know acoustic engineering school is a scam. They don’t teach anything to prepare you for high end audio. They don’t even teach engineering. Give me a break. They teach you how to be a knob turner and wire puller. Though, on the plus s... 
Greatest debut album
Cream, Disraeli GearsTerry Reid, Bang, Bang You’re Terry ReidSantana 
99$ Digital cable is damn good
One can’t help wondering if it’s directional. Hmmmmm. 😛 No, I’m not hot doggin ya. 🌭 
$10k Speaker Cables??????????????
$10k Speaker Cables??????????????
Like a million dollars 💰💰💰💰 😛