

Responses from geoffkait

Can I use an isolation stand with an isolation pad?
ย Of, course it helps to know what youโ€™re doing. No offense to you personally. 
Novel approach to tackle Speaker Vibrations?
Things that do work on top of speakers since mass loading is mostly placebo. In no particular order. CrystalsTotem BeakDH Super or Jumbo ConeTekna Sonic damperCeramic tile tables on conessmall Helmholtz resonatorsMpingo disc 
Can I use an isolation stand with an isolation pad?
Springs, my friend. Especially for subwoofers as they produce very low frequencies, unlike your average full range speaker. 
How does length affect power cable sound quality?
Or perhaps a tube amp for everything. Whoa! Did I just say that?!ย  
$10k Speaker Cables??????????????
I guess they must be waaay behind the times down under ๐Ÿ” since $10k speaker cables (??????????? added for emphasis) are kind of old hat ๐ŸŽฉ and not that outrageous any more. Maybe they were ten years ago, or twenty years ago. You know, what with $40... 
$10k Speaker Cables??????????????
๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ย  ๐ŸŒถ๐Ÿฉ 
$10k Speaker Cables??????????????
I would ordinarily be in favor of an emoji ban but only on condition of replacing emojis with the capability of directly posting images like photos and graphics, as opposed to links to images as currently provided. Otherwise, Iโ€™m totally down for ... 
Greatest debut album
Long live psychedelic horse ๐Ÿ’ฉ 
$10k Speaker Cables??????????????
I recently had some work done. I had my stomach let out. I told my doctor I was tired of looking like a male model and wanted to look like an average person. Now Iโ€™m thinking of maybe having some hair removed, too. 
Audioquest Carbon HDMI cable
In the interest of fair reporting and fair play, the 5% Silver content for Audioquest Carbon HDMI cables is for connectors only. The conductors are silver coated copper, the idea, according to Audioquest, being that most of the signal travels near... 
$10k Speaker Cables??????????????
ย  ramtubesGeoffkait: I live with a PhD economist too, a Harvard PhD. They donโ€™t seem to understand that there is no Law of Diminishing Returns in high end audio. You see, when you can potentially double the performance of an audio system just by r... 
What are fuses used for?
Three guesses. The first two donโ€™t count. 
What are fuses used for?
Oh, they got their PhD in two years? Wow! They must have very large heads. 
What are fuses used for?
What I glean from your post is that fourth grade was a watershed year in your development. ๐Ÿ‘ฆ 
Thinking about a new, lower end CD Player
Of course it should be pointed out that these little Walkman dudes do need a little help to sound their best. Otherwise they tend to sound kind of generic. But they can achieve a surprisingly high level if you put a little effort into it. So there...