

Responses from geoffkait

has anyone else tried Lloyd Walkers latest tweak
Microwaves and all manner of RF are everywhere in the room. In order for a crystal to have an audible effect wouldn't the crystal have to act like a giant magnet for RF? If the crystal worked by absorbing RF it would have to continuously absorb al... 
has anyone else tried Lloyd Walkers latest tweak
Lewm wrote,"So, we agree (because it's come to be my view as well) that crystals are unlikely to have a beneficial effect via blocking or absorbing RFI, unless you've changed your tune in the past 3 years."You need to read what I said again. I did... 
has anyone else tried Lloyd Walkers latest tweak
Lewm, I have a good feeling you will get to the bottom of this thing. That's exactly what I think we need, more folks that are determined to find out what in the heck is going on with these devilish little crystals. If you find something somewhere... 
has anyone else tried Lloyd Walkers latest tweak
I'm generally not one to blow my own horn but I was the first to use crystals in comprehensive ways for audio applications. My crystals debuted at the HI FI Show in London in 2003. As I showed ten years ago Crystals can be applied in many location... 
Song With Best Beginning
Under my Thumb and Out of Time. 
has anyone else tried Lloyd Walkers latest tweak
Lewm wrote,"I don't say it can't be true, but there must be some support for it in peer-reviewed scientific literature, if it is true. I can find none. Or are you also saying that science has nothing to offer in these matters?"I suspect audio appl... 
has anyone else tried Lloyd Walkers latest tweak
The word Crystal triggers the skeptical part of the audiophile brain, the part of the brain that figures anything new or not in High School textbooks must involve ritualism, psychoacoustics, psychological effects like expectation bias and placebo ... 
How Good Is A Marble Slab at Deadening Vibration
A 2" slab of marble will ring somewhat when struck with a small hammer or other implement. The trick is don't strike it when the music is playing. I's had marble slabs, Italian marble, at CES. All depends on how you support the slab and how you su... 
Have you tried SILCLEAR from Mapleshade?
"All too apparent immediately."Exactly! All of these silver contact enhancers require at least 100 hours of burn in with signal before they can be judged critically. I used Silclear a bazillion years ago, these days my money's on Quicksilver Gold.... 
has anyone else tried Lloyd Walkers latest tweak
Al, interesting theory. It's also possible the crystal does no such thing and is simply a very efficient vibration absorber. If it were absorbing RFI/EMI I imagine the crystal would have to attract the offending electromagnetic fields like a magne... 
has anyone else tried Lloyd Walkers latest tweak
Yet another high end manufacturer jumps on the crystal bandwagon. I thought crystals went mainstream about five years ago. 
Have you tried SILCLEAR from Mapleshade?
Mrtennis, giddy-up! You're on. 
Have you tried SILCLEAR from Mapleshade?
Mrtennis,It takes about a hundred hours of playing music or playing a break in track before the Quicksilver or Quicksilver Gold loses any tendency toward brightness or stridency. Your friend should have waited. I use Quicksilver Gold on all tube p... 
Have you tried SILCLEAR from Mapleshade?
Eggs ackly. The difference between a lubricant and a conductor. 
Hi-Fi Fuses - SNAKE OIL? - or something in it?
Mental, so the 64K dollar question is, of course, did you try the fuse in both directions? One pill makes you small, one pill makes you tall.