

Responses from geoffkait

Recent equipment you hated, thought overpriced
Gosh, Mapman, you don't say? I'm getting the distinct feeling you're not my kinda guy. :-) 
Cable Cooking/Burnin
That's actually an old wives tale. The music signal is actually not enough to completely break in the cable. More, uh, drastic measures are required. 
Funniest Quote About Your Audio "Affliction"
Pretty sure, the last time I checked, it's rather easy to determine the age of some bone or rock or whatever using carbon dating or some other technique. That's no secret. 
Funniest Quote About Your Audio "Affliction"
Doug, I agree with you. The world and universe is complex and has many complex patterns and interconnectivities. 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Mapman wrote,"No manufacturer will knowingly publish something that might limit sales. That's why most speaker makers understate what power is needed for best performance. It would scare off potential customers in many cases if they told them how ... 
Funniest Quote About Your Audio "Affliction"
Geez, how can anyone believe the Earth is between 6-10K years old? I mean, come on! 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Of course I meant to say, "increasing the current by itself will NOT solve the other issues involved..." 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Addendum to my last post: Ordinarily when one requires more power, I.e., current, to the speakers one simply turns up the volume knob, no? 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Ohm's Law suggests that if you desire more current to the speakers all you actually need do is reduce the length of the speaker cables. While this may or may not solve you particular concern regarding woofer excursion, I tend toward suspecting tha... 
Why does most new music suck?
Inna wrote,"Why wouldn't it?"Exactly! 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
MGM wrote,"The only item in ones system that has a sound signature is ones speakers . The cables used are going to determine how the drivers move . Find the cable that moves the drivers to the speakers full potential and then you have "The best ca... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
No, the word expensive is relative to the highest cost of cables which is what $10-20K. It also depends on the person, what HE thinks is expensive for him. AND the word expensive reflects how much importance the person places on cables relative to... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Mapman, actually he didn't try any expensive cables. I trust no one here actually thinks that $1K+ speaker cables are expensive. Hint: they're not. That's kind of entry level at this stage of the game. Now, if he said he tried $10K speaker cables ... 
Led Zeppelen and Dire Straits Japanese SHM CD's
Maybe your system is much better now. I have heard the '94 Zep CDs and find them rather great. 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Pretty sure Mapman might be just a touch deaf with such an attitude: The only real difference between cables is the price. That's gold, Jerry, gold!