Responses from gdnrbob
Banana spade adapters +2 for the Cardas. Available on Amazon(where I got mine) fit the banana plu... | |
Dedicated Line Noise Filter? @lowrider57 That is good news for your wiring. As I said, your electrician seems like a stand up guy.B | |
Wilson Witt series 1 speakers, very odd problem, help! You have 2 offers for help, yet you question Johnny's (Audioconnection) rationale, and then say you will contact Wilson. Why bother posting?B | |
Ayre Codex DAC The previous answer are spot on. But, why not contact Ayre directly for the best information? They answer emails faster than a call.B | |
recommendations for amplifiers that don't emit tons of heat @tripg The Ayre were a bit bass shy in their early iterations, but the more current models are not.I would opt for a good sub, as your speakers aren't floorstanders, should you want full deep bass. A Vandersteen sub would allow you to use a lower ... | |
recommendations for amplifiers that don't emit tons of heat Your speakers are pretty efficient, so you could probably get away with lower powered amp, say 60-90 wpc, which should have enough headroom for demanding passages.Perhaps an Ayre AX-7e? or a McCormack Micro Drive?I am running a pair of Zu Omen Boo... | |
recommendations for amplifiers that don't emit tons of heat @tripg McCormack's have a very good sound at a very good price. SMc Audio will perform upgrades that will bring them to current standards, too.The DNA-1 I owned didn't put out that much heat, either. It was warm, but not a space heater like my Atm... | |
Gungnir sound before and after multi-bit upgrade? Now you got me thinking of upgrading the Gungy.Though, considering your comments, I can only wonder how the Yggy would sound?The DAC world is moving at an incredible pace. The best part is that we don't have to spend exorbitant amounts of money to... | |
Schiit DAC Crashes Audirvana @213runnin, Yes, the Gungy will smoke the Bifrost. I have the non multibit version. I am amazed at the improvement, as I thought it couldn't get better.B | |
Schiit DAC Crashes Audirvana Schiit has always been prompt with inquiries, for me. I would try to call them directly, if possible.Please don't give up on them. They are a stand up company and will do right by you.Bob | |
Which dac or other suggestions +2 for BluesoundIf your read other threads, you know I run the Bluesound Node (1) through an Ayre Codex. It is probably the best bang for the buck out there.Another DAC manufacturer to consider:SchiitThey offer great equipment at a very reasonable... | |
Schiit Vidar.... Anyone heard one yet? I haven't heard it either, but if Schitt is doing their 'Schiit', I expect it to be a very good piece of equipment at its' price point.I say this after having owned a Modi Multibit, Bifrost Multibit, and a Gungy (non Multibit). Each model up impro... | |
Audiophile help wanted I don't use servers.But, regarding DAC's, I read the forums, as well as listening at dealer showrooms.B | |
Bluesound Node 2 as DAC for CD player? I concur with Bec1195. The Bluesound DAC isn't bad for the price.Though, if you want to improve it, I would suggest an Ayre Codex.I use it with my Bluesound Node (1) and love it. Of course, you can plug in your Rotel, too.B | |
Transparent Musicwave Super speaker cables, 12 ft length Good move. I hate to say it, but Transparent prices their work a bit too high. Considering they are in Maine, I doubt they are paying their workers at similar rates.B |