
Responses from gdnrbob

$30K for 3 meters speaker!
@jperry .There comes a time to expose the Emperor's New Clothes.B 
What is the best 5k-plus Preamp with balanced outs and Phono stage?
I use an Atmasphere MP-3 with my Ayre MX-R (non twenty) with excellent results.I'm still waiting for a non twenty KX-R to come on the market.Bob 
Audiogon member suggestions for a speaker that sounds good at low volume!!!
I would consider adding something like a Schiit Loki, so I can adjust the amount of bass/treble.Listening a very low levels will impact the lower frequencies most as the woofers aren't being pushed to the same degree as when listening at normal le... 
Thiel Owners
I am late to this thread, but the last few posts got my interest as I am a Vandy owner.I have no experience with Thiel, but would using Vandersteen subs be a way to get a more 'seamless' integration?By handing off the low frequencies to the subs v... 
What can I do with an old Harbeth M30 midrange driver
+1 ebm.Give it to someone needing a driver and get a boost in Karma.B 
Vandersteen VLR Wood ..any love for these?
I ended up with the non CT VLR's and am extremely happy with my choice.I was using a pair of Zu Omen Bookshelf before. The difference is amazing. The VLR's are paired with a pair of HSU subs (I forget the model).I was going to use my old 2w subs, ... 
Nature of the current used speaker market
Your post reminded me of the Vandersteens next to a 'Vintage Porche'.I wonder what happened to them? After a year or two, I stopped following.B 
Speakers near fireplace
I just saw that it is metal. The ones I recall were made of hard plastic or vinyl.B 
Vandersteen Quatro sub setup
PM John Rutan (audioconnection). He can guide you through it.B 
Speakers near fireplace
@jetson ,Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking.B 
TIDAL-Who knows what you are hearing? Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
I rely on my Codex to provide the streaming rate through its' display.Bob 
Speakers near fireplace
I concur with Tomic. You should have no issues with the fireplace. If it is functioning properly, the heat should be mostly going up the flue.I also agree in equal or near equal lengths of cable. The excess not coiled, as Tomic mentioned.As far as... 
Ideal design for a new music room
I think any way you build it, is probably going to have some issue that you did not consider. Beyond making sure it was properly wired, and the walls suitably deadened; I would build it so that it looks good and can be furnished tastefully.As you ... 
Hi Fi Tuning fuses
@OP, As you can see, this topic brings out 'the best' in people. Try not to get discouraged.As far as Hifi Tuning fuses, Steve McCormack believes they do improve sound quality.As for Ayre, and Levinson, I would call them directly and get their tak... 
Audioquest Hurricane HC vs Shunyata Alpha NR Powercord
+1 Ricred1