Responses from gdnrbob
System Cable Upgrade Recommendation I would check out Audioquest. I, too, used Transparent, but found AQ to be much better with my speakers/amp.Plus, their prices are much more realistic-unless you want to go to the top tier. Even the lower ranked models perform well above their pri... | |
Zu Audio loading resistors I was surprised to see the impedance variation on the graph.Smoothing that degree of variation should help an amplifier with playback. And, I can't think of any downside effects, unless you lowered impedance below 4 ohms-which some amps might have... | |
Current Women In Jazz : Underappreciated Julia Fordham should be on the list.B | |
Classical Music for Aficionados @jcazador, I found your link and wanted to play it through my Bluesound, but only the Chopin Concerto #1 came up.I have to say it is unbelievable. How they got rid of all the noise, yet keep the sonic atmosphere is a testament to human ingenuity. ... | |
Suggestion for best stereo amp ? +1 on Ayre, and if you are in the market for Class D, I believe Atma-Sphere has one coming out soon. If Ralph puts his name on it, I will buy one in a heartbeat.Bob | |
Step up from Bluesound Vault 2, next move? Perhaps The Memory Player?I own the Mini-which doesn't have the integrated DAC, but I know people who own the big guy who swear by it.Used ones can be found for much less than new...Bob | |
Is Tidal, or Spotify going to ever learn?? As the OP stated, I love the Spotify catalog and search, but Tidal' search is beyond reprehensible. You literally have to input the exact title to get it to be displayed, and if it is something in the Classical genre, don't expect to find it.I hop... | |
My Wyrd Schiit review Nice Post coach.B | |
Bluesound NODE 2 paired with Benchmark DAC 1? In my opinion, I wouldn't put money on the MQA option.Should it become a major player, it will be offered universally, and at a reasonable cost.B | |
Digital streaming options for my system are confusing @OP, As a small business owner, I can safely say that what you are asking for isn't financially feasible. As I posted before, our current society is definitely lacking a moral compass and will often resort to the courts to justify whatever behavio... | |
Audiophile x 5 months. You should consider yourself lucky.Though I would ditch those speakers, asap.Bob | |
Funny question, 170lb speaker and foam base, how to remove?. You should post a pic on Virtual Systems. It would give us an idea of what is going on.B | |
External DAC connection @ericjcabrera , excellent post. I would also point out Apple and pandora have pretty low rez output. You would do better with other streaming companies.B | |
Is there a better DAC than the Schiit Bifrost for $300? @OP, check out HifiShark.They have a pretty complete listing of equipment around the world- which you can filter accordingly. Ebay is just a small part of the 2nd hand world.Bob | |
Digital streaming options for my system are confusing There are quite a few stereo manufacturers who give trial periods for their merchandise. Unfortunately, Bluesound isn't one of them.And offering demo gear would not be a way to go, given the current moral state of our society.B |