

Responses from gawdbless

Not Enough Options for Auditioning Speakers
@asvjerry ,I have never had a show exhibitor refuse to play a CD I have asked them to play, unless they can't because they do not have the facility to play one. You are correct if they can and won't. Walk. 
Has anyone ever heard these speakers by Volti Audio?
I would love to hear the Simon Mears Uccello speaker (10,500 UK Sterling) which similar(ish) to the Vittoria.@david_ten please keep us informed of your hearings..... 
Good Bass Recordings on CD for Subwoofer Testing
Amazing Grace by Bela Fleck (Victor Wooten), actually anything by Bela Fleck, all very well recorded.The film score to Gladiator, If I can remember the opening track. 
Has anyone ever heard these speakers by Volti Audio?
Charney, another speaker on the list to hear at RMAF if they are there.  
Has anyone ever heard these speakers by Volti Audio?
The Cornscala on the Crites speakers .com  site looks really Interesting and not outlandishly expensive ..................hmmmm   
Has anyone ever heard these speakers by Volti Audio?
Not heard a pair. Hope they are at the RMAF this year. My type of speaker, sadly out of my price range (If I were looking).......They look fantastic though. 
Current speaker threads are boring
@kdude66 ,With respects, you have learned something. The man in "the know" he say so. A pair of MMG's and two DWM Panels are the bong, and are cheap to boot! Forget get the 2nd mortgage spend $2375 and be happy, lol....... 
Tech That Flopped!
Laser Disc............... 
Current speaker threads are boring
This is quiet Interesting, the video is from the Magnepan room in 2013? who had a blind 'guess the price of the system behind the curtain' contest. The chap from AVshowreports Peter what's his face says 'it was the best sound at the show that he h... 
Current speaker threads are boring
I think the difference, if there is one between mildly affordable speakers and house price speakers, is there is no sonic benefit, if there is then it is so miniscule that it just ain't worth the 2nd mortgage. Of course if money were no object, wo... 
Klipsch love them or hate them.
@helomech,Jimmy Hughes a well respected UK hi-fi reviewer music guru whom I have purchased some his equipment recommendations over the past many moons with no regrets gave the Heresy lll's a great review in 2010 and stated that he could live with ... 
Has Rel fallen out of favor with audiophiles?
Are the REL's of today only REL by name and not what REL used to be with Mr Lord at the helm? The studio sub was eye candy to me back in the day. Then again the whole REL range were the mutts nuts when it came to bass, bass and more bass. Not hear... 
Klipsch love them or hate them.
From my own experience what the Klipschorn Loudspeaker needs is a bigger mid range cone and larger flare say a 3" cone?. That would alleviate the mid range shrill/harshness (for want of better words) and allow the mid octaves to sound unstrained a... 
Magnepan 20.7
You listen to your 20.7's at 5' distance? that's not nearfield listening, that's being Intimate!. lolGlad you like and enjoy your speakers. 
Opinion - Every audiophile should build at least 1 pair of speakers
Audiogon should have its own section for Horn freaks and DIY geeks who think outside the box (pun intended)......jus' sayin.........................Great post Eric!