

Responses from gawdbless

Which Nakamichi to choose?
There is a Dragon near me  and the asking price is $1600. Beautiful, but why? 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
@kosst Sadly, you would have to visit Buckingham Palace (well not the actual palace, but quite close,lol)  to listen to the H1's.Or in the vicinity of Norad to listen to a pair of Oris horns.Both to my ears are very good. Enjoy your music! 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
@kosst,I have a pair of Impulse H1 horns that would probably change your thinking regarding horn speakers. 
@ cd318,I bet the coat hanger would get a thumbs up by someone....lolI think its good that cable makers make cheaper all the way up to mega expensive cables. It means that the cheaper cables will be usually of  high standard to satisfy us plebs w... 
If cables do indeed make a difference, then am I to assume they all sound differently? If there was a level playing field blind listening test with say 5 high end cables. Would anyone be able to say what make of cable is playing?  
So I just inherited a bunch of CD's and some are made overseas...
Asking here for sonic differences via words is probably not the way to go. How about you listening to them and comparing? Just a thought..... 
Do you trust Audiogon?
“honest folks” do “cheat on their taxes”. eh? 
One DAC/integrated you could be happy with forever?
I have a Luxman L-30 amp bought when I was a kid, that I could live happily ever after as its residing in its own little cubby hole in a far off land. My Quad Vena has a DAC, and as long as the amp keeps working, it maybe my last...... 
The floor between and behind the speakers is too often neglected
If you want a more mellow sound turn your speakers around so they be facing the wall. It will also Improve the bass output. 
One DAC/integrated you could be happy with forever?
Nothing is permanent. 
Are Audiophiles "Simply Guessing?"
Surely that test should only be done streamed through a mega dollar set up, with loudspeakers, not cheap? headphones. As we all know the more you spend on your equipment the better the sound quality.Perfect pitch? so what.   
In need high-efficency speakers
I heard the Zu's with jazz funk being played at a show, and they did not sound at all convincing to my ears. They were on the longer wall in the room at the show, so maybe not the best or Ideal position for them?. *If all you listen to is the huma... 
The most fun you can have in audio is DIYing your own speakers
Here is a pair speakers I have been Interested in for awhile now, whilst not perhaps fully a diy job as all the hard work has been done. Besides I am crap at Math and can't cut straight for toffee. I knew there was a reason for my purchase of 9 pi... 
The most fun you can have in audio is DIYing your own speakers
Would these classified as diy? https://www.audiogon.com/listings/lis93e98-hand-crafted-full-range-loudspeakers-full-range 
In need high-efficency speakers
I think going from memory the Tektons in one of  the two rooms they had were using Parasound Amps? I could be wrong though. I will go and listen again this year if they are there as there are many devotees on here raving about them.