
Responses from garebear

Cardas Clear Beyond Power cords
....c'mon no one has bought this power cord ? Cards is in trouble if nobody...... 
Esoteric K-03 X - mechanical problems w tray
Denon - the A-03 is a 50 watt pure class A design and it is sweet ....and also a beast at 85 lbs and does run very hot. My power company loves me now The C-03 is very nuetral and matches very well with the A-03 
Esoteric K-03 X - mechanical problems w tray jammed once again after 20-25 hours of play. So it as NOT me and now the fun will begin as I want a new player ! Still no call from Esoteric ...let's see how they handle this going forward 
Esoteric K-03 X - mechanical problems w tray
.....Mr. Denon - you are correct - I contacted Esoteric first. Lesson learned 
Esoteric K-03 X - mechanical problems w tray
...also thank you for your post Henrycai - but that was not the case at all. Anthony Perotta has been very helpful as a dealer is Esoteric that I am annoyed at the moment. I just may have put the disc in wrong far no problems as I ... 
Cardas Clear Beyond Power cords
Hello Guido - you and I have '' chatted '' before and I hope all is well. I had whole system of Shunyata's about 506 years ago ....the power cords were the Alpha Helix and the speaker cables were the Andres or were they the interconnects ???? 
Esoteric K-03 X - mechanical problems w tray
Update - Anthony Perotta Consulting - went way out of his way to get this corrected. I have not heard back from Esoteric as of today. I was about to pack the K-03X up to be shipped ( in which Anthony was going to pay for ) when I plugged it in one... 
I will ask a dumb question on power conditioners
I ended up purchasing the Silver Circle 5.0SE - and I will say it has made a nice musical change to my system .... very organic has '' cleaned '' the sound up 
Cardas Clear Beyond Power cords
Hello Guido - sorry all of them. Although and correction, I have not tried the Zitron's yet 
Esoteric K-03 X - mechanical problems w tray
...getting totally screwed over by Esoteric on this sitaution. What BS ....and I have all Esoteric equipment. The customer service is pathetic ...and I have to pay for shipping back to the dealer !!! What BS !!!! I will never buy anything else fro... 
Power Cord with a 20 amp female and 15 amp male ?
....and Dave is who ???? 
Esoteric K-03 X - mechanical problems w tray
...sorry that's the G-02 X clock 
Esoteric K-03 X - mechanical problems w tray the last year and half I have purchased an Esoteric A-03 amp, the C-03 pre-amp and the G-03 X clock ....I am NOT paying for any shipping ! It is week old with only 14 hours on it ......I want a new one ! 
Esoteric K-03 X - mechanical problems w tray
Thank you guys ......just PO'd......but you are right - let the dealer handle this ! I will keep you posted 
Esoteric K-03 X - mechanical problems w tray
Hello Zd542....the disc actually played and when I went to open the tray up when it had finished playing, is when the trouble started. I have contacted the Esoteric dealer and yes it is under warranty but not happy that after 14 hours I am already...