
Responses from garebear

A hated question - Purist 20th Anniversay and the Cardas Clear Rev 1 interconnects
Thanks Stringreen....but have you listened to the Cardas Rev 1 ??? that is one of the most neutral cables I have ever had in my system. I realize that is  very general statement with no merit .....but if you have actually listened to the Re... 
A hated question - Purist 20th Anniversay and the Cardas Clear Rev 1 interconnects
Hello Stringreen - so you listened to the Cardas  Rev 1 and the PAD 20th Anniversary cables and compared them ??? Right ???...otherwise this is your 32nd post on how much you hate Cardas and love Wireworld .... just checking  
A hated question - Purist 20th Anniversay and the Cardas Clear Rev 1 interconnects
Thanks pops ...I own both of them now and they are in my system. I was just scratching my hear as the Cardas Clear Rev 1 DID replace a Purist Audio 20th Anniversary cable. I also agree with SKOS and this is in no way any refection against Jim / PA... 
A hated question - Purist 20th Anniversay and the Cardas Clear Rev 1 interconnects
Thank you Pete and lowrider but I am not interested in changing cables as I am happy with the Purist and Cardas and wanted to see if anybody has also listened to just these two cables. The other issues is that Cardas will be coming out with the Cl... 
Dick's / Dave's picks
It took me about 3 years to get them all, but I just purchased the last two Europe 72 shows. That was the Grateful Dead at their finest hour. 1977 was also another notable year as I think Keith Godchaux added a nice soft touch on the piano and kep... 
How important is the digital cable between the player and your clock ? there is nobody out there using a digital cable between their player and clock ???? Wow .....I must have missed something here in audio world ???  
When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad
Mr. Whipsaw - thank you for your response but I did not think for one minute that that I was being ; '' challenged '' by you. Nor did I soften my opinion or point of view as a result of your comments about what I think of rap music. That form of  ... 
When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad
Thank you Mr. Whipsaw - and I really don't quote understand your attitude here as I am trying to learn something and share some thoughts. You seem to be a very opinionated individual and assume a lot about me and my musical tastes and interest. Ye... 
When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad
Then Mr Whipsaw - you seem to want to carry the cross to promote the idea / concept  that rap music does have a ; '' political as well as a sociological importance '' in today's society.  Okay, then please do enlighten me as well as maybe some of ... 
When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad
" problem anytime ''....... I get the point as well as understand that music is unique and appreciated differently by all people .........I personally happen to enjoy all classical, jazz, rock...and especially the old '' Delta '' and Chicag... 
When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad
"" ohhh okay I am one that's ignorant..... tell me one artist then Mr. Savat who will be relevant in say 5 years and not in prison or broke "  Give me a break ...the ignorant ones are the ones who actually but that crap     
When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad
" it is now just real crap / by thugs .....with one step in and out of prison ''  It NEVER was any good and 30 years from now 5 years from now, do you think that you will be listening to any of the, for a lack of any better words ; songs tha... 
Shunyata Research Sigma HC
....see, and who said those advertising dollars don't pay off !   
Cardas - Clear Rev 1 Interconnects ?????
........I will answer my own question ; Cardas is in fact in the process of having a Clear Beyond interconnect in the near future. This is / was the missing link in that product line-up which after all these years find them to be a very good cable... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Hey Taters has been brought out in this thread ; cables were No#1 with speakers a close second. I am experiencing this right now. I had the same cable manufacturer in my system for close to 20 years. I have / had pretty much their top of th...