
Responses from garebear

I just went to put in a $4.00 add and now I have to give my whole financial history.....
Hello Scott_W .......I do not understand your response. What that an attempt at humor and not being able to add any comments of any substance ? Thought so.....Also, Mr.therobert ...with two posts both missed my what I was saying. I was t... 
I just went to put in a $4.00 add and now I have to give my whole financial history.....
Thanks John ..... and I have been looking into US Audiomart. I am still furious over Audiogon charging / taking a % of what YOU sold your equipment for. I will look into and thanks.     
Sound Anchor Stands for equipment
Hello Mitch - thank you and agree with all of your points. So, would they or could they fit in a living room setting ? Second point, sonically what did they do to your system ?  
Review Purist Audio Design Limited Edition Part2
.......and the purpose of this last post is what ?   
SolidSteel HS Audio Racks
Hello Mitch .... I was taking about SolidSteel, but if you look at the middle of my post  - I referred to Sound Anchor as SolidSteel as being very utilitarian 
SolidSteel HS Audio Racks
Note : I meant to say ; Sound Anchor and not Solid Steel  
Symposium Ulta Shelf under floor standing speakers - Any Thoughts ?
Thank you fellow members and all good points concern is that using the shelves '' under '' the speakers you would be raising the speakers up over I'd  say 4'' or so.......the Sonus Faber Olympica III 's are not small / short  speakers. The ... 
Symposium Ulta Shelf under floor standing speakers - Any Thoughts ?
To all members - my comment was not to offend Mr. EBM I always appreciated his comments regarding Symposium. So my apology to him if this comment which was intended as joke ....that offense was taken. Not my intent.  
Dick's / Dave's picks
Hello Jafant - I received my 78 Red Rocks box set and I must say that I was not impressed. You will note that I have and can say with conviction every disc / box set and current subscriptions issued for and by the Grateful Dead .....and this box s... 
Symposium Ulta Shelf under floor standing speakers - Any Thoughts ?
Thanks Folffreak and I have contacted Tonwshend for more information and US dealer. I like the idea of leveling as well as a thinner profile. Symposium does have products for speaker platforms that do include leveling spikes but my concern is the ... 
Cardas Clear Speaker Cables - From cable skeptic to beliver in one fell swoop
Wasn't this post about one members favorable comments on Cardas Clear Cables did we get to '' this point '' about someone listing what there own system is ? Huh ...? Silly response  
Cardas Clear Speaker Cables - From cable skeptic to beliver in one fell swoop
Good one John and I thought they were just cables. I will ask my priest if they can take the place of me going to church on Sunday. .And even more ; '' silly answer ''   
Cardas Clear Speaker Cables - From cable skeptic to beliver in one fell swoop
.......I have always wondered why MIT needs a box to sound good ?  Wouldn't a good cable design correct that ? The OP's post is on Cardas not MIT   
Cardas Clear Speaker Cables - From cable skeptic to beliver in one fell swoop
What Purist were you using as that would help  
Cardas Clear Speaker Cables - From cable skeptic to beliver in one fell swoop
I have had several posts with Stringeen on his opinion about Cardas Cables I never got a straight answer if he has actually listened to the ''new'' Clear line. I do not think that he has and is basing his opinion(s) on the older Cardas cables in w...