
Responses from garebear

I will ask a dumb question on power conditioners
....hello Lowrider57 ....and thank you for yuor response. Are you speaking from personal experience on the Silver Circle products ???? 
I will ask a dumb question on power conditioners
...hello again, and I would like to restart this thread as the OP and if no responses I will possibly start a new one as I would appreciate any opinions on the Silver Circle products - the 5.0Se or the Tchaik 6 in particular ....... 
I will ask a dumb question on power conditioners
Thank you as the original OP - what comapnies / brands would be a good place to start for pasive line conditioners ???? 
Moving from the Esoteric P-05/ D-05 to the K-03
Hello Syntax - I do believe that it has to do with the DSD upgrade. 
Moving from the Esoteric P-05/ D-05 to the K-03
......some have said that the K-03x with the newer Dac's is almost and not by much- just as good sonically as the discontinued K-01 
Moving from the Esoteric P-05/ D-05 to the K-03
Fellow member ; Syntax noted ; ''The X-Version is an upgrade Board to enable DSD Streams. That's it. No better output stage, no higher data processor, nada, only DSD Streams.'' I just found out today as other members have noted ..that there were s... 
Moving from the Esoteric P-05/ D-05 to the K-03
HELLO Syntax - thank you for the update and there is little inforamtion out there on that X upgrade. With that inforamtion, I would have been able to discern what is in fact ; '' different '' and what is actully '' better ''. 
Moving from the Esoteric P-05/ D-05 to the K-03
....that's what I am hearing is that the ''X'' version is a significant improvement over the original model. That also includes the K-7x 
Sonus Faber Olympica III or Vienna Acoustics Lists
...correction : I bought the Olympica III's 
Sonus Faber Olympica III or Vienna Acoustics Lists
I received the Sonus Faber Olympica II's a few days ago. I had previously owned the SF Cremona M's and as beautiful as they were - there was house sound and after a couple of years I changed them out. I will tell you right out of the box - the Oly... 
Sonus Faber Olympica III or Vienna Acoustics Lists
I purchased the Sonus Faber Olympica III's ...yes after all that. I was very interested in the Vienna Acoustics Liszt - a tremendous speaker and also the Verity Audio Parsifals'.....this particular pair of Verity's were second hand almost 7 years ... 
Sonus Faber Olympica III or Vienna Acoustics Lists the OP or PIA in keeping this thread going....what about Verity Audio Parsifals ???? ...not the anniversary's .....I have a line on them 
Sonus Faber Olympica III or Vienna Acoustics Lists
I will say that with all the press / reviews that the Sonus Faber Olympica III's received .....we have not heard from anybody on that speaker. Somebody had to of purchased them ....and compared them to others. Just commenting .... 
Sonus Faber Olympica III or Vienna Acoustics Lists
........thanks Goose as I had owned the Ascendants as well as the Avalon Eclipse's for a number of years. I just could not get the bass just right on the Avalon's. 
Sonus Faber Olympica III or Vienna Acoustics Lists
Hello Goose - and thank you for your response. It seems that the Vienna's are a subjectively better speaker and will suite the music that I play. The Sonus Faber is a great speaker and a great company with more advertisement dollars ( Fine Group )...