
Responses from fsonicsmith

Comparison of sonic qualities of some tonearms
Why do so many cartridge manufacturers and after market modders (e.g. Zu) offer different cartridge shells? If certain pundits in this thread were correct that a tonearm can only be neutral or degrade the sound than what is happening when the wood... 
Comparison of sonic qualities of some tonearms
  @mijostyn  : " A tonearm can not improve sound quality. it can only degrade it.   "    I already posted something similar not only with tonearms but with other audio items and obviously that I'm in agree totally with you.Well the best that... 
Comparison of sonic qualities of some tonearms
Mijo, you are very consistent in maintaining that a tonearm should have no sound of its own, but what does that mean? Since we can’t know how a TA sounds without a cartridge. And different TAs with different cartridges can sound very different. ... 
Comparison of sonic qualities of some tonearms
 The SAT tonearm does not qualify. it is nothing more than a substitute for a "mighty sword" (Randy Newman). A tonearm should have no sound of it's own. What are you talking about-and in what respect is the SAT arm compromised? You write like a... 
Best investment; cartridge or line stage?
The reason is simple: the tonearm's ability to properly track the cartridge far outweighs what cartridge you have. The better the arm is at this, the less differences you'll hear between cartridges assuming they are set up properly. So absolute... 
how to use LDA quartz regenerator??? help
Are there no adjustments that affect voltage or current output from the LDA? If so, have you fiddled with them? http://www.turntablepsu.com/lda.html   
how to use LDA quartz regenerator??? help
Well OP, was it the back toggle speed lock engaged? If that does not solve the problem, plug the 401 directly into the wall and check for speed. Perhaps your motor needs a rebuild? How are you monitoring the speed? The strobe markings on the 401... 
how to use LDA quartz regenerator??? help
Is the speed lock engaged in the back? Disengage the toggle for speed lock and try again. I presume you have the 401 plugged into the back of the LDA and the LDA plugged in. It is hardly complicated. If this does not work, than there is either a d... 
Integrated for Devore O/93
As an owner of O/93's I can not help you as to an integrated but feel compelled to tell you that the Auditorium 23 speaker cables really do something magical with the O/93's. They are more pleasing than Cardas Clear Beyond that I also have. I have... 
Good Speakers for Rock and Roll Under 15K
My two picks if it were me are the Devore O/96's and the Volti Rival. The Rival is $1,000 over budget and if you are strictly limiting yourself to 15K, than the Razz would be just fine. I really have no clue why I am diving into this thread-the s... 
Advantages with an outboard power supply
I don't believe anyone has answered your question. Then again, it has been covered many times. The power supply is the heart of any audio component. In recent years, switching wall-wart power supplies have become popular because they work very wel... 
Vibration Question
You asked for help. The rest of are not there and can only go off of the available information. I gave you my very best guess and very questionable opinion.   
Vibration Question
Well, the 18th century oak chest wins over all other considerations! It's worth more than all my hi-fi and records. Don't take me literally. I meant to ditch it as the base for your turntable. Looking at the photo you posted the chance of the t... 
Vibration Question
Here, finally is the question: he thinks I am simply introducing twice as many vibrations (external, I think he means) into the tonearm by having it rest in two sites on the oak chest, and that I would be better off having one end of the tonearm ... 
Vibration Question
@mijostyn For once I am in agreement. I have said it. elsewhere in this forum. Even the pivoting leaf type of mount found on many turntables such as this one is significant compromise. It offers versatility if you change tonearms and easy adjustme...