

Responses from folkfreak

What's been your turntable ownership over the years?
Much fun over the years 🤔1980-1983: Garrard SP-25/Shure1983-1990: Ariston RD-40/Linn Basik LVV/Nagoka MP-111990-1996: Michell Gyrodec/Rega RB-300/Lyra Lydian1997-2008: Michell Orbe/SME-IV/Lyra Atlas2008-2016: EAR DiscMaster/TriPlanar/VII/AirTight ... 
Compatibility between Avid Pulsare and Air Tight PC1s
Knowing the PC1 and reading Myles' review it seems the issue was the way in which the Pulsare exacerbated the Air Tight's tendency towards an over forward low/mid bass -- this cartridge has a pronounced bass hump that is quite euphonic but also is... 
XLR and DBS (Audioquest)
Maybe it would be helpful to pass along my experience on the question of XLR vs RCA. Firstly if you have a long (say >3M) run then you have no alternative but XLR, as RCA will be too probe to pick up noise. Having said that a poor implementatio... 
garrard 301 and its' restorations
@bdp24 that would be Judy Spotheim of SPJ turntable fame. Cardas used to be the US distributor. I lusted after the Centoventi that Brooks Berdan used to have - maybe some day I'll acquire one 😉 
XLR and DBS (Audioquest)
DBS is an absolute must on the AudioQuest cable line, irrespective of how you have the cable terminated. The effect of engaging the DBS is quite obvious however you will only notice this if you switch it off (i.e. unplug the small DBS jack) as it ... 
Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil
You can use the R's as well threading through the gap. I bought a couple of these today and they are quite stable 
Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil
Great recommendation for those looking for a super low cost option for risers. PaperSource (and no doubt other crafty type stores) have on sale card 3D letters about 12" tall. The M is ideal as a cable riser. It can be drilled and part filled with... 
What is your speaker ownership history since 1995?
Seems I have owned precious few speakers over the past 30+ years 😉1984-1989: Mission 70 (in UK)1989-1994: Audiostatic ES-100 (in UK)1994-1997: Radio Shack Optimus Pro LX5 (at grad school)1997-2003: Gallo Acoustics Nucleus Solo 2003-2005: Martin Lo... 
A New Ground -- Benefits of introducing the Synergistic Research Active Ground Block SE
@glory thanks for the kind words, I do like to try and get down in words the subtleties of what these small changes can deliverAnyway in the spirit of further getting the most out of the SR grounding solution I have found some small incremental be... 
Kuzma Questions
1mm difference in P2S will not allow you to get the desired alignment no matter how much you adjust overhang, it would be like swapping Baerwald for lofgren as borne out by this heated discussion https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/curved-and-s... 
2017 Honest Cabling that doesn’t promote bankruptcy
@hifiman5 once you fire up your system you are getting 100% performancewhile I love the DBS system and own a ton of AQ cable it has been my experience thata) it takes 48-72 hours for the DBS field to fully form if you ever unplug it, andb) like al... 
Building a stereo room and ran into some problems, help!
Sound proofing was the primary design criteria for my listening room. It was designed by ASC using their iso-wall approach. http://www.acousticsciences.com/products/wall-damp/technicalI think reviewing the design principles here could be helpful. ... 
cardas speaker positioning
@tablejockey to get the final bit out of your speakers invest in a good quality laser and make sure that each speaker is both level and pointing at exactly the same angle. As walls are not necessarily perpendicular and long distances can be hard t... 
cardas speaker positioning
Thanks to all for recommending the Cardas advice on speaker positioning. I listen in near field with my speakers on the long wall of a rectangular room. Moving the speakers forward 9cm to align exactly with the golden ratio in each corner had a ma... 
DCS Vivaldi stacks vs Esoteric Grandioso G1, D1, P1 stacks
As I see there are only actually 2 Grandioso dealers for the entire USA I’ve got to assume long distance and loaner sales are part of their business model ...