
Responses from flex

Avalon: Eidolon vs Opus vs Opus Ceramique
CFB - If you are going to make statements like the above, please state exactly what evidence you have. How do you (or Avalon Acoustics) know what is in anyone else's house? This kind of charge is frankly disturbing to me as a site member. 
Cable Direction
The Nordost website says that Nordost cables are not directional as manufactured, but that after 70 or 80 hours of play, they will sound better in the direction used. They suggest pointing the arrow in the direction of signal flow - obviously just... 
Why is 2 Channel better than multi-channel?
In response to Sean's post, who is the 'they', as in 'they've been trying to get two channel reproduction dialed in for years'? There are poor recording engineers and companies around, and there are pressing plants that contribute to serious degra... 
7500 for USED cables? Are they joking?
I should also like to add that too free a belief system that sound is all that matters will leave you vulnerable to what others call snake oil. $7500, or $23000, or literally whatever for wire does have a certain amount of tulip mania about it, no? 
7500 for USED cables? Are they joking?
Well I don't know about CFB, but I would like to hear a detailed answer to each and every one of Lmb's questions, plus about 20 others. A seriously good technical discussion on cables, along with what is speculative but possible, would do a great ... 
Why is 2 Channel better than multi-channel?
The quality of imaging available in multichannel systems using height information (for example David Chesky's 6.0 audio layout) substantially surpasses what even the best of 2 or 3 channel stereo can do. Bomarc is right in stating that 5.1 is thea... 
Any good "sampler" or "demo" discs ?
The well known Burmester III disc that Sean refers to above is available through Lyric HiFi in N.Y., and has been demo'd extensively at last year's High End show and CES. The disc is good, but with a price of $30 and shipping above that, its not c... 
7500 for USED cables? Are they joking?
Paul, I want to address your last post specifically. Anyone who has ever worked in recording knows that the sound available at the recording/mastering level is frequently FAR superior to what eventually appears on the release format. The ratty ca... 
7500 for USED cables? Are they joking?
Oh c'mon. The cables in your system are aimed at phase and time alignment between your source components and your speakers. The a/c cables in your system are aimed at controlling power distortions in your house. Their purpose is to preserve the or... 
7500 for USED cables? Are they joking?
I am playing devil's advocate here - What about running the numbers, that is, the real ones on running a small business within a niche market. If your main business is cables, and you have to pay engineers, marketing people, distributors, factory ... 
the unaccompanied voice
Three all-time favorites, all are lovely - Poulenc, Musique sacree - Harmonia Mundi France HMC901588 Ancient Echoes - Chorovaya Akademia - RCA Victor Red Seal 09026-68055-2 (Russian choral music that shows what a bass should sound like, and how to... 
7500 for USED cables? Are they joking?
For all of the obvious things that there are to say about the ludicrously high markup on cables, I've heard quite a few stories now about recording engineers exposed for the first time to good cables - and being both unbelieving and suprised at th... 
Grado SR-225 or Sennheiser HD580?
HD600's over HD580's for sure. The 600's have crisper resolution, better frequency extension, and more natural, better integrated sound overall. 
NO Marantz SACD players factory out-of-phase
Well, not really. There IS a difference in sound, but its subtle and not obvious without a/b. 
Headphone Amp. for Sennheiser HD 580 headphones...
I prefer tubed amps with headphones because the sound is softer and less fatiguing directly at ear level. I have and like the Cary cad-300 sei, which is probably out of your price range, but their are a number of tubed units that get good reviews....