
Responses from flex

DVD-A Question
High resolution data encoded under the DVD-Audio format (i.e. either MLP or linear PCM) is not allowed to be exported from the player at 96khz or 192khz unless it is sent out over a secure interface (firewire, usb, or proprietary interfaces like M... 
Cables other than MIT with Spectral
It isn't fishy, it is standard policy with Spectral and well known by everyone dealing with the company's products. With a few exceptions, Spectral amps are built without internal filtering and require the low pass filtering provided by MIT cables... 
Spectral DMC 12, 20 or 30 preamp?
Bear, Out of curiousity, do your comments on split RIAA and pcb's relate to the dmc 20 series I or series II? I thought the series II, at least, was a Keith Johnson design and not Demian Martin's. 
Spectral DMC 12, 20 or 30 preamp?
While we are on this subject, I'd like to raise the question again of whether anyone has directly compared the dmc20 vs. the dmc30S or dmc30sl. I haven't done so, and would like to hear the opinions of others.Thanks. (It's still on topic.) 
the unaccompanied voice
Had to dig up this thread to add a new disc.If you like modern liturgical music with a strong Eastern flavor, the new Chanticleer recording of John Tavener's Lamentations and Praises (Teldec 09274-13422) is simply outstanding. Wonderful music, won... 
SACD finally taking-off? non-classical listeners
Happily, both SACD's and DVD-A's are in the process of price reductions that make them comparable to cd's. This should help both formats.What is sad to see is so much mis/disinformation about the formats themselves. Imin2u, DVD-A and SACD *both* u... 
Which high end DVD-A would you recommend.
Meridian is coming out with a new dvd-a player reportedly at about $5000 in a few months. I doubt that it will have digitial outs for dvd-a (?) but it's worth checking out when it appears. 
Which high end DVD-A would you recommend.
I'm a little confused about your question and problem. The Meridian 568 has 4 digital coax inputs and 1 digital optical input, but these are provided for use with different digital sources. For dts, ac3, cd, and some 2-channel 96khz audio inputs t... 
Pioneer DV47a
On the AA hi-rez site, someone has commented that Pioneer is coming out with a new version of this player in the fall, the DV47AI, which has 1394 outputs for both dsd and dvd-a, and 1394 inputs in the corresponding receiver. This is seriously good... 
Seems right hand side is louder, need helps
This is a semi-quibble with Sean but nothing serious. If you are doing the XLO measurements with their test disc, then you are using a simple tone directed to the left, then to the right speaker, and measuring the amplifier output voltage as the s... 
Seems right hand side is louder, need helps
If you check that the voltage going into the left and right amplifier channels (or monoblocks) is matched within less than 0.1 volt, there is no point in reversing any of the components upstream. If you also have measured the amp outputs to the sp... 
Best sound at Stereophile show.
Thanks for your response Marakentz! 
Best sound at Stereophile show.
Did anyone attending the show hear the Meridian DVD-audio/Piega room, and can you comment on the sound.Thanks. 
Pioneer DV47a
See Ozfly's comments on mods in the current thread called 'Several routes to take to digital heaven'. 
When is the golden age of high-end audio?
Slawney, I believe the sense of golden age has more to do with one's own innocence, enthusiasm, and lack of experience at an early stage of involvement than with the actual state of audio recording or componentry. Yes, the field has become impossi...