
Responses from flex

Supplied equipment feet or cones ,etc?
Apologies for my mistake. I meant to say "Large" and NOT the "Super" for front end applications. I failed to check Golden Sound's naming conventions at their site before posting (the boxes don't have names printed on them).There are significant di... 
Supplied equipment feet or cones ,etc?
A comment on DH labs cones: the various cones in this line are designed for equipment of different weights and also feature different frequency balances. The 'Jumbo' are designed for heavy equipment and do not, IME, work well under light component... 
Confused about DVD-A
If you are not an early adopter or just curious, then wait a year and see how things go. Both DVD-Audio and SACD can sound very good when mastered and played back correctly. Much of the current confusion occurs because of the differences in qualit... 
Mark Levinson in Lexus?
Ellery911, what do you consider good aftermarket systems, where does one get them, and how do you think the aftermarket will fit into the dvd-audio upgrade scene? By a year from now, dvd-audio car systems will be 'hot' but they will all be built, ... 
Did I do the right thing?
Jond,Unfortunately my boombox tastes do parallel my wine tastes. (Avalon and Chateau Mouton Rothschild :)Regards on your tax woes. 
Mark Levinson in Lexus?
And this year, a number of auto makers are adding dvd-a surround players. Wait a year, buy one of these, and then consider upgrading the audio equipment for less than the cost of the Mark Levinson. 
Did I do the right thing?
Can you believe these dorks who are willing to lay out ANY amount of money for a bottle of vino? And just because some reviewer in bed with the growers gave it a class A rating in a promo mag? Reviewer probably gets his samples at half price, no w... 
Need replacement for garden hose Audio Advisor
Nordost cables are an option if you're not into diy . It depends on your budget, but it's often available used. 
Considering a Spectral AMP - CD compatibility?
I can't advise you on the Arcam player, but I own Spectral electronics and have heard Spectral amps and pre's with about a dozen front ends, including recording equipment and mass market players. Spectral amps normally maintain their character of ... 
cornfedboy, signing off
I'm interested in the meaning of "to help construct bridges over that chasm that now exists between the manufacturing and distributing sector and those who use the internet as a marketing and informational tool." Is there a conflict between these ... 
Deciding on the right huge speaker
Agree completely with AlbertPorter on the Audio Artistry Beethoven's. Its sad that this wonderful speaker is no longer made. You might just consider a diy product with a similar design, available from the designer's website (www.linkwitzlab.com). 
Deciding on the right huge speaker
I would first and foremost research the dealerships in the U.S. that handle the speakers I wanted (Avalon, Kharma, Pipedreams...can't resist throwing in my favs) and have them available with the electronics you know and like, and in good sound roo... 
Audio stores in my area...
Jcdem, In Lodi, you're not far at all from the East Bay and South Bay, so you should have no trouble finding the majority of speaker lines to hear. There are many high end shops in this area, and in addition, numbers of private or home dealers car... 
Can you help or do I have to get divorced?
a) Find a room that is not the main room of the house that everyone can agree is 'yours' or 'the music room'.-else - b) Dunno about 1K, but if you can go a little higher, think about speakers with furniture quality finishes (Avalon, Amati) that wi... 
Avalon: Eidolon vs Opus vs Opus Ceramique
Kelly has the right to defend Avalon. Kelly does NOT have the right to call others liars when they say they own the speakers but don't agree with his every opinion. I thought the idea of a moderated forum was to keep this kind of crap off the inte...