
Responses from flex

Experience with Sistrum or Grand Prix Monaco rack?
Frank, FWIW I'll offer these comments, since you've asked for comparative experience. I own Zoethecus and have been looking at/trying Grand Prix. My system is entirely different from yours, fast SS and a little analytic. I also have raised hardwoo... 
Experience with Sistrum or Grand Prix Monaco rack?
Tireguy, a) When you say no one liked the 3-point system in the Grand Prix because of amplifier weight distribution, was this based on actual problems with the rack, or just intellectually not liking the idea. If so, what were the problems? b) How... 
Eidolon vs Opus
I think this is a fair statement. Feel free to disagree if you are inclined. Though many people like Eidolons with tubes, I think they excel with coherent and fast solid state, where the Eidolon transparency, staging, and resolution really shine. ... 
Eidolon vs Opus
I find Jtinn's strong comments on the Kharma vs. Eidolon a bit perplexing. Eidolons with fast and resolute electronics, like Spectral and the top ARC amps, is as coherent, transparent, and resolute as I have heard, very close to electrostatics in ... 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
The number one reason is lack of exposure. Even without all the ear-training, many high end systems are dynamite to listen to at first hearing, musical as can be and fabulous, fabulous imaging. But where in a normal lifetime does a non-cognoscente... 
Power Cord for Spectral DMC-30 Pre Amp
Barrelchief, Email Joe Abrams on the Z3. He also has a borrow/return policy if it doesn't work out. 
Marble or Granite shelfs in a hifi rack?
Subaruguru, I suspect that what you are saying and what I am saying are in agreement. I am familiar with the prat, lightness, and also leaning out effect of Neuance. I believe, without supporting measurements to say so, that Spectral/MIT is ALREAD... 
Power Cord for Spectral DMC-30 Pre Amp
Nope. Don't agree at all with jazzcat. Borrow power cables from dealers who will allow you to try them at home in your own system before buying. Most will do that. If power cables are new, give them ~10-15 hours of play to break in.You are testing... 
Power Cord for Spectral DMC-30 Pre Amp
MIT's latest pc is the ZIII, also called the Oracle 3. It is $695 and so not cheap (see Joe Abrams at equusaudio@aol.com for best pricing). I recommend these very highly with Spectral, especially preamps and amps. They have a neutrality, chromatic... 
Marble or Granite shelfs in a hifi rack?
I commend Redkiwi on his efforts to form a consistent analysis of vibration and its effects, based on years of experimentation with different materials and theories. I don't disagree with his anaylsis but would add an important caveat - that you t... 
Vibration control with Neuance and Mana
The Neuance/Mana combination has been discussed here at length in the past, always with great enthusiasm. I am still wondering how it stacks up against normally well regarded rack systems like Arcici, Grand Prix, Zoethecus. Not against a glass-ste... 
the Listening Room
Rives, I live in California. The preferred architectural style in this area is the open floor plan. It is quite difficult when house hunting to find suitable audio rooms with four closed walls, and you can't change the walls around without reducin... 
Amp for Eidolon again
I have Eidolons, and had a Spectral DMA 150 amp before buying a pair of 360 mono's. The 360's are superior to the 150 in having noticeably better channel separation, lower noise, better dynamics, and better bass. The sound is similar enough that, ... 
Review: Spectral DMA-360 Amplifier
Kocsis, I have owned both the 150 and the 360's. The 360's have better channel separation and cleaner image definition than the 150. They have better bass all around, more nuanced dynamic shading, and considerably better macrodynamics. They are ve... 
Cables other than MIT with Spectral
Adding to Viridian's comment, I believe the same idea also applies to Spectral. That is, they also depend on the inductance of the speaker cables rather than including the inductance within the amp output stage.