
Responses from fleschler

I know.  I heard it with RELs and it didn't mate well.  I would have liked to hear it with the Carver subs.  I heard that Carver is discontinuing the speaker.  Too bad, it was very nice to listen to anywhere in the room. 
insurance and shipping with UPS
For the last 20 years of shipping delicate heavy items (furniture and audio equipment), I rely on FedEx and never use UPS in California (from or to).  UPS has a bad reputation in this state while FedEx hasn't caused problems for me (yet?).   UPS d... 
I’ve heard the Carver’s at David Weinhart Audio. The omni sound was controlled so that imaging and soundstaging was pinpoint accurate and amazing. It will fill the room with an orchestra; however, while fantastic in the mids and highs, it needs a ... 
Cable Burn In
I have been a cable tester for about 15 years for a small manufacturer.  I've heard maybe 100 different cables, most never making it into production.  Before I test them, I burn them in for 24 hours, minimum.  I have found that a new pair of ICs v... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
I'm almost sorry to bring this up, but in my main audio system, there appears to be additional audio improvement after 3 weeks.  Is it possible that the effect increases between the 2nd and 3rd week as well, more than just subtle?   
Auditioned Magico A3 - VERY DARK...
That is a very interesting coupling.  The VTL pre and Krell amp are very neutral sounding equipment.  The speaker is supposed to be neutral sounding as well.  It would be interesting to hear. 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
That Torus is about 30 lbs heavier than my Bryston BIT20.  What a monster! 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
I'm not certain of what's in a Bybee or why it works and we don't know anything about the E-Mat.  With only a single E-Mat trial on such a system, it maybe difficult to define a difference.  However, without Bybees and using six E-Mats, the result... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
tommylion  Isn't it uncanny to have all the musicians contribute to the music.  Quite amazing.  Performances and music that were overlooked are now fun to listen to.   
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Really, it takes two weeks to restore the full effect of the E-Mat and hours to lose the benefit? I was able to find a better location for one E-Mat from my amps to either doubling the breaker panel and the pre-amp, of which the pre-amp was best s... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
The question I have remains what can 60 mil kitchen magnet mats do for E-Mats  stacked under or above them?  Can it enhance their effect, have no effect or have a detrimental effect?  
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
I forgot to mention the E-Mat affect on sound level and dynamics.  The sound level increased by about 20%, two clicks of 24 on my volume control.  However, the dynamic range also increased resulting in me playing music louder.  Playing music loude... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
I reached the two week mark today.  The evidence is clear that the E-Mat effectiveness increases over time.  I am using six E-Mats, to review, 1 on the main power panel, 1 on the audio subpanel, 1 under the Bryston BIT-20 isolation transformer, 1 ... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Thank you tommylion.  I forgot to ask the moderator myself as I have done once in the past where the post broke the rules, was very defamatory and non-responsive to the thread topic. 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Here we go again, another Troll demeaning Frank, Tim. Robert and anyone who has purchased or tried TC or E-Mats.  He's posted terrible diatribes against us on TC and a few here with NO evidence, just his supposition.  Since Frank isn't being paid ...