
Responses from fleschler

A Couple Little Things I'm Wondering About
I spent $160,000 in building my custom engineered listening room.  My former $30,000 listening room which was not engineered but used some of my concepts (5.5" 3000 lb psi steel reinforced slab, 2X6 staggered studs on 8" plate every 8" dual 5/8" s... 
A Couple Little Things I'm Wondering About
@djones  I tried taping my speaker cables 5' high to the rear wood wall.  The result was brighter and thinner sound.  Yuk!   I tested various cable lifters and no lifters.  There were marked differences, between 3% and 10% difference estimated.   ... 
Dedicated Vinyl system next upgrade?
@paulgardner If you budget can afford it, mostly inconspicuous Synergistic Research HFT products can help your acoustics with minimal visibility.  I use them instead of large acoustic treatment panels on my front and rear walls.  I use just four a... 
Best "Bang for the Buck" you have owned?
Magic Eraser "sponge" for cleaning my Benz Ruby III cartridge.  It polishes the stylus and costs under $1.  I've been using it for 8 years now.  That's a bargain.      Other more expensive bargains is purchase of my two sets of speakers, the Legac... 
A Couple Little Things I'm Wondering About
I have a quazi-high end system.   I experimented with cable lifters.  I found that 1/2 round vibrapod/rubber-like balls under the cables benefited the sound the most.  They eliminated vibration and elevated the cables 2" above the nylon carpeting ... 
More money toward better speakers or a better DAC?
I had an EAR Acute 2006 CD player and Legacy 1995 Focus speakers.  This year I upgraded to a COS Engineering DAC2+ ($5k) and intend to upgrade my speakers to a Von Schweikert VR9 MKII ($35K).  In this case, I think the speakers will make a bigger ... 
Msb dacs why not alot of postings
I have not heard an MSB or Lampizator DAC.  There are a substantial positive reviews of the Lampizator's top $17.500 and $25,000 DACs that are considered the most musical.  I've heard some DCS stacks in high end but not good sounding systems so th... 
High Performance Audio - The End?
@millercarbon-I don't understand your comment concerning background music speakers.  I assume that you were not writing about Von Schweikerts, Lumenwhites or Legacy speakers.  My Signature IIIs in my second system kills the Elac Andante-no contest... 
High Performance Audio - The End?
$$$$ Von Schweikerts are inferior to Moabs?  Sure, go believe that.  Not for me.  I've heard the best VSs in huge rooms sound exquisite on my types of music LP and CD, orchestral classical and jazz, from any seat in the house.   The Moabs are pr... 
High Performance Audio - The End?
I agree that it is difficult to assemble a great sounding $5K system using new components, especially if analog is included.  HOWEVER, my second system which is CD player based is outstanding using used equipment which cost me about $6.5K ($2K Gro... 
What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses?
@spenav  100% agree.  @lemonhaze  My amp manufacturer who has no tweaks in his home system didn't believe their is a difference either.  We experimented with new and old standard fuses and the SR blues.  He was shocked at the difference.  He went ... 
A pragmatic view of cartridge expenses / many questions
Back in the 1970s and 1980s, the rubber suspension material would harden in 3 years while the stylus was still good (1000 hours).  This was due to the smog in Los Angeles area.  By the 1990s and using my highly modified SME IV, cartridges (stylii)... 
High Performance Audio - The End?
My wife loves my system's improvements over the years because she listens to 70s and 80s rock, including heavy metal.  My ML Monolith III stats were awful sounding to her.  The Legacy speakers could handle the bass and dynamics of rock without bri... 
High Performance Audio - The End?
My experience is that recordings which are compressed sounding, often classical and jazz cheap multi-disc CD compilations will be more annoying on high end gear. They sound like MP3s. I listen to a lot of 78s, including acoustical recordings. They... 
Big VTLs can do justice to your speakers.  I've heard them with Wilsons and some other speakers requiring mucho wattage and tough impedances.  Only Class A/B tube amps are possible.  Otherwise, I would stick with SS.  I wouldn't want a low impedan...