
Responses from fatdaddy2

What's your favorite boutique speaker maker
Salk.  Also very helpful and cost-effective when repairs (e.g. ribbon tweeter repair/replacement) is needed (in my case, after more than 10 years of use). 
I was going to give my son a system, with brand new Solid Steel rack but he has AirPods???
I don't know; when I was growing up I'd likely be found in my bedroom listening through my (craopy) David Clark headphones (eventually replaced by Koss, which really weren't that much better), if not my Rectilinear XI speakers driven by Sony TC230... 
How much overhang is ok between a speaker base and the stand top plate?
Rule of thumb: if the speaker falls off the stand, you have too much overhang. Also would always recommend heavy metal stand over wood, despite the aesthetic appeal of wood. 
Charging A Fee To Demo An Amplifier In A Brick & Mortar Store
The fee is to pay his chiropractor after having to schlep around those damn heavy amps!  Although if his chiropractor visit is $500, he ought to seek another chiropractor! 
Replacing driver screws with brass screws
You haven't really lived as an audiophile until you've replaced all your loose screws with platinum-plated 24k gold.  That'll really float your boat. 
What has been your costliest mistake in this hobby?
Not spending more on gear BEFORE I got married! 
Built a DIY butcher block and iron pipe rack over the weekend
Nice work! 
Need preamp recommendation
I'll second mboldda1's recommendation.  I have a DeHavilland Ultraverve (mk1 I guess) that's been great for me for over a decade. 
Why are there so many wooden speakers?
What a buncha idjits!  Ya gets what ya pays for.  Ya wants the exotics ya pays top dollar.  No basis for a "class action".  What a crock! 
Bose 901 Series 1 & 2 versus KEF 104/2's and 105/3's
Bose 901s?  Definitely good for clearing a room of audiophiles in a hurry. 
SET 45 and their (real) required speaker efficiency
I've got a pair of backloaded horns using Fostex 208 E Sigma drivers available for local pickup in SoCal, if anyone is interested.  I just want to see them go to a good home  Estimate about 98dB efficiency and worked well with my Moth S45 (45 or 2... 
WHat did Audiophiles hear during Tape deck era?
First a couple of snarky answers: (1) they listened to music, (2) nothing, because none of us used the term "audiophile" in those days.  Enjoyed a Sony RTR machine for years, later a Nakamichi 1000 that my brother and I bought jointly (used, becau... 
Do speakers take time to warm up?
I always enjoy reading responses to a question like this; very humorous (and mostly b.s.).  Gosh, what about temperature, humidity, and altitude changes? 
Furutech vs Audioquest Power Cables
IMO, you may be better buying used.  Broken in cable not the same as brand new cable, and you may err when making determinations for your system prematurely with cables that have not fully settled in.  (I know this issue will probably generate a l... 
Why no interest in reel to reel if you're looking for the ultimate sound?
I'd beware any 7" prerecorded RTR that's on the open market these days.  Most of it will be from the 60s-70s, and if it has not been stored under optimal conditions, most will suffer at least some degree of tape delimitation and physical tape dist...