
Responses from exlibris

Half the information on CDs is analogue
By the way, your post is a little elitist and if the 'phd' that you end your ID with stands for what I think it stands for, well, in these circles that's a little elitist as well.Best regards,DHMA, MLS 
Half the information on CDs is analogue
Unfortunately 'rock' is catch-all term that covers lots of music. Most of the music that I listen to is very emotionally involving and yes, my system portrays the intent of the musicians.Sorry, chamber music just doesn't speak to me. Why should it... 
Half the information on CDs is analogue
Though I will always purchase the music that I love, regardless of how it is recorded or mastered, I would like to also actively support the labels that do cater to us, and produce the kinds of recordings that we want to hear.The problem is that I... 
Half the information on CDs is analogue
Sean,Thanks for the link. 
Half the information on CDs is analogue
Now that I'm no longer conceited I'm perfect. :-) 
Half the information on CDs is analogue
I had mentioned that I would run an experiment to see if the transport and digital cable really matter if you have an excellent clocking device in place right before your DAC.Well, the "JISCO" is and excellent clocking device and the "Attraction" ... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
I just got my Attraction DAC back from Germany after having a few upgrades installed on it.If you are going to order one of these DACs be sure to get the JISCO option. Don't even think about not getting it; the difference is not subtle. 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Thanks Teajay.1) Please share in more detail what the Attraction DAC offers you, that other upsampling SS DACS did not in your listening experiences. Remember I only care about redbook not SACD.Speaking very generally, I find oversampling DACs to ... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
I read somewhere (here or AA) that one person liked the Attraction better than his Audio Note 4.1. I still find it hard to believe that the Attraction could best the AN 5.1 or the Zanden 5000 but who knows? I own the Attraction and I've never hear... 
Half the information on CDs is analogue
I don't suppose there is any way for us consumers to undo the damage that is done at the mastering level?I guess the reason that some of us grasp at staws to get better sound from our systems is because we know that we are stuck with the recording... 
Tube amplifiers that really drive MBL 101E's
My understanding is that the MBL 101E presents a pretty flat 4 ohm impedance curve. It dips just below 4 ohms in the midrange and then rises in the lowest frequencies (good for OTLs). There aren't any big impedance swings on the graphs that I've s... 
Tube amplifiers that really drive MBL 101E's
Hi Allan,Congratulations on the new amps!Do you know if vetterone has tried the big Atmas or the big Joules with his 111s? 
Tube amplifiers that really drive MBL 101E's
I'm currently using a pair of Atma-Sphere MA-2 mkIIIs.They are best I've heard so far with my 101Es. 
A new analog medium
A new analog medium
I agree; the economics wouldn't work.No large company would take this on with the intention of making money.When I see the time, effort, and money spent by audiophile DIYers on technologies that could best be discribed as niche (horn speakers with...