
Responses from exlibris

Mastering for CD vs. Vinyl
Nilthepill,Thank you. I will pick up the LP only because the music is so good. I just hope I can play it at realistic levels without my ears starting to bleed. I played the CD again tonight at a volume so low that it was like I was watching a 19" ... 
Mastering for CD vs. Vinyl
Boa2,Thanks for the compliment. Yup, they are a great band.Synthfreek,Please let us know how the vinyl compares with the CD. 
I want to re-introduce this subject.
This isn't a problem that can be corrected by adjusting your volume control. 'Hot' recordings (i.e. compressed) sound offensive at any level and one is forced to play them at low volume levels. With properly mastered recordings one can seemingly t... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Garyk,I did receive it and it is wonderful. It did everything for the Zanden that it did for the Attraction DAC. Everything sounds fuller, deeper, and more spacious. It isn't a matter of flavour, it just sounds more right and more real. It is my b... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
I will be able to tell you how the following combos compare in my system in a couple of weeks:1. Accustic Arts Dac 1 Mk4 with a ML 31.52. Accustic Arts Dac 1 Mk4 with a Accustic Arts Drive 1 mk2 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Teajay,'Tenacity' probably isn't the word that my wife or my friends would use, but thanks :-)It has been an enjoyable thread and I think your conclusion/summary is well stated. 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Yes, the Altmann DAC is only sold direct.Here is the link:http://www.mother-of-tone.com/attraction.htmI'm also interested in his ideas on acoustics and the effect of laquer on wood in rooms. 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
I'm not sure what I'll do with the Attraction. I still haven't even tried it as a DAC for 24/96 (and higher) formats.I'm sure the Zanden linestage is excellent and if Zanden wanted to send me one to demo I would welcome the opportunity! :-)Right n... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
I'm making the switch to a tubed linestage and it looks like I will be going with the Zanden 5000 mkIV as my DAC. I really love the way it handles vocals in my system.Right now I'm just waiting for the Altmann JISCO to add to the Zanden. 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Pardales,Thank you. I will receive the JISCO in 3 to 5 weeks and report on what it does in combination with the Zanden DAC.Nilthepill,The bottom-end of the Zanden has opened up a little after many hours of use.I'm not sure I'll have a final decisi... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
It depends on what options you pick for the Altmann.The model with all the bells and whistles (this is the one that I have), is about $1,700 USD.Nilthepill,'All things being equal', 7 is perfect for me.The tonal balance of the Altmann sounds like ... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Well, I received a used Zanden 5000 mkIV today.It goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway) that the following are just MY opinions of how the two DACs sound in MY system.The Attraction DAC has a more extended bottom end, more bloom from the mi... 
Reference Transports: An overall perspective
John,Thanks for the link. That really does put things in perspective. 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Teajay,Thank you; I'm positive I'll have a chance to do the comparison.To my great surprise, it turns out that changing transports doesn't make much of a difference with the Attraction DAC (with JISCO re-clocking device) but it will certainly make... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Nilthepill,I ordered the Zanden a week ago but I don't expect it to arrive until next week.I will be sure to post my review.