
Responses from erikt

What's your favorite lyric from a song?
Not sure if quoting an entire song is "a" lyric...but I’ll play."Never give your trust away, you’ll end up paying ’til your dying day"Sabbath: Killing Yourself to LiveI've found this to be a truth. 
Sources for information and/or advice on dedicated AC lines desired
Not sure if this is against forum rules or not, but there was a very informative thread on a different forum on this topic 
Musical Fidelity A-5: Can its sound quality compete with today's top rated integrateds?
I have an A5 int amp and it holds up quite well in sound quality.I have not heard it in a head to head vs the Rogue Sphinx v2 - I think that would be a function of local enthusiasts w/ a combo of gear getting together for trying different componen... 
looking for a stand mount speaker to match a s/s int amp.
There is a pair of B&W CDM-1SEs listed for your budget.That would be a nice match, imho.[disclaimer: no affiliation to seller] 
jafant asked: any of you using Audioquest cabling w/ your Marantz spinners?Which models? Happy Listening! ---Yes.  I went thru a trial and error interval for ICs (various MIT, AQ, and Kimber) for my Marantz KI Pearl and settled on a used set of... 
Subwoofer and 2 channel system - need to use crossover at all?
Those poor ’lil old 803s2s, you should neuter them at 100hz at god..think of the strain! And your mono blocks, best not even risk taxing their 600watt power with scary bass.Pfft. 
Subwoofer and 2 channel system - need to use crossover at all?
In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they aren’t.I’d experiment and go with what sounds best.You’ve got ’amp’le power (pun intended), so I wouldn’t worry about any claimed strain on the amps, or your speakers.I’ve heard many s... 
Help setting up HT and Integrated Amp and Sub
I’d also verify that the Exposure Int Amp has ’true’ HT Direct when you have your AVR front preouts connected to one of the inputs.With the sub connected to the preouts of the Exposure, you should not hear any signal at all if the Exposure ’bypass... 
Help setting up HT and Integrated Amp and Sub
Here is my overall system connection diagram for HT/movies/multichannel sources for 2-channel sourceshttp:... 
Help setting up HT and Integrated Amp and Sub
If you could figure out the hum issue with the A3.5, that would be, imho, the cleanest solution.I also have an Oppo player: hdmi connected to my AVR, and L&R analog outputs connected to my Musical Fidelity A5 int amp for CD inputs.HDMI w/ AVR ... 
Help setting up HT and Integrated Amp and Sub
It could be your previous attempt to hook both the AVR and Int amp to the sub failed (eg the hum) might be because the Exposure doesn't have a true HT Bypass.  Meaning its HT input is really a unity gain connection that still passes thru the pream... 
Help setting up HT and Integrated Amp and Sub
I was in a similar situation as you - wanting to incorporate a subwoofer into a setup that has an AVR for movies (and the LFE output to the sub), but also ’better’ audio for 2-channel listening with an integrated amp.It is too bad you couldn’t get... 
Looking to step up from Polk RTi A3. 1500 or under
Again, if you like the sonic character of the RTiA3s and want better midrange, more precise soundstaging, and refined sparkle up top, then the B&Ws fit the bill and I think a good match with your setup.If you are looking for something differen... 
Looking to step up from Polk RTi A3. 1500 or under
I had the RTiA3s at one point.I actually thought they were a good little speaker - they do well for low to mid level volume listening with a dash of sparkle up top, which I prefer.I stepped 'up' with a used set of B&W CDM1NTs that I got here :... 
Have a better suggestion for HT audio?
[edit/correction] OP should consider the Yamaha Aventage series with say the RX-A850.