
Responses from erik_squires

What if a high end speaker measures really badly?
I'm reading @audiokinesis but avoiding commenting when I just don't know what I'm talking about.  Honestly my experience with very poor measuring speakers is rather limited so I yield the floor. 🤣  
Why Rhodium?
Rhodium is not only a poor conductor but IMHO too hard. To get a good grip on an outlet or speaker or any other contact you want a soft metal.  Something that will deform under pressure, allowing for serious grip, especially for AC plugs, sockets... 
Xfinity DNS and Roon
Also, OP, before I forget, if using WIfi, use a free phone or tablet or laptop Wifi analyzer to ensure your signal strength is good AND that the Wifi channel is uncluttered.  Any wifi enabled device has some free version available in the app store.  
Arcam PA240 / Anthem MCA225 II / Parasound A21+ ?
At least for the Arcam and Parasound you are picking amps in the "warm" sounding range, which is kind of my preference as well but you may want to listen to something radically different as well, depending on your budget. If you are coming from a... 
Xfinity DNS and Roon
PS:  192.168.x.y is the most common private IP range and you should stick to it unless you have a very good reason not to and pretty much only commercial installations ever need this. So don't go randomly picking IP ranges.  🤣 Just change the 3rd... 
Xfinity DNS and Roon
Let me teach you all something then! The first point I’m not 100% sure of... the rest I am. :) I believe that since there’s a federal law saying cable companies can’t force you to rent their modems cable providers will stop billing you if you as... 
Xfinity DNS and Roon
1. DNS is not likely to be your problem but you SHOULD use OpenDNS.  Intermittent streaming is more of a network quality issue. 2. Your Roon device can have it’s DNS set locally, for instance every Mac/PC/Tablet lets you set the DNS service in th... 
I suddenly have a weird buzz issue; can someone help me solve the problem?
Oh, also try disconnecting the sub.  The different AC potentials between your power generator and outside devices may be causing a ground loop.  If this fixes your problem you'll need a line level isolator.  
Schiit Loki equalizer causing POPPING SOUND
It sounds like a coupling cap has gone bad perhaps. If this is in a chain with a tube pre, that would make even more sense. If that's true, consider having the tube pre looked at as well, or measure DC on the outputs with a basic multimeter.  
I suddenly have a weird buzz issue; can someone help me solve the problem?
BTW, kudos to Bel Canto for having that feature, sadly not every USB input for audio has this and they 100% should.  
I suddenly have a weird buzz issue; can someone help me solve the problem?
OP: So if you imagine a power conditioner, it has a dirty side (the source) and a clean side, which is after the conditioner has cleaned up the noise. Putting a polluting power supply on the "clean" side can contaminate it. So, assuming you have ... 
I suddenly have a weird buzz issue; can someone help me solve the problem?
Laptop and PC power supplies are notoriously bad sources of noise in the AC line, as well as introducing ground loops including via USB. I’d pull the power out of your "clean" power section and use a USB isolator, like this one between your Mac an... 
Software converting PCM to DSD using DoP
If you are using USB, why bother with DSD over SPDIF?  You should be able to feed it native DSD.  
Need a modern Class A monoblock, preferably half or compact chassis
I'm thinking of my friend who spent years trying to decide what motorcycle to get, without ever even getting his license.  He ended up getting married and never ever getting on the road.  This sounds kind of like that, only you seem to be pining ... 
What if a high end speaker measures really badly?
Asked another way, if this is a high-end speaker, then is there anything we can objectively point to besides the price tag as "high-end?"