
Discussions erik_squires has started

The CJ Premiere 12 was the best vintage tube amplifier ever. 170910
Avantgarde Acoustic Duo - Measurements and discussion34551
Did your system ever get so good it pushed you out of the house? 160217
No one nicer than Cardas10546
Bass and the REQ room simulator202810
Parts Connexion pre-ordering Duelund bypass copper caps14720
Does anyone do off-axis listening as well as Magicos? 383721
A true audiophile can put together a resolving and enjoyable system for under $15k. 116514
Have you changed your mind about a brand? Was it you, or them? 530967
I'm never going to hear a megaspeaker in a good room am I?549293
Beyond Boutique Speakers398241
Discernment is bad. Self awareness is good.235333
Poor Fritz34742251
I need to pick between A and B but I can't hear a difference is the worst type of thread. 14168
I really wanted to dislike D'Agostino946135