
Responses from ericsch

Who else is using old cables/interconnects, and is happy?
morestereostuff, I agree. I use reasonably priced cables from Silnote, Cullen and Morrow. For me, chasing cable nirvana is a waste of time and money. Just my opinion, I know everything matters. 
Looking for a new phono preamp
I know you said new, but a used Pass Labs XP15 would be within your budget. I have one and it sounds great and is very quiet. If you do not have easy access to the back, the dip switches can be a bit of a pain.   
Looking for RP6 insight
Sky, Yes I know but it's a PIA. It wasn't worth the trouble on my P3-24, but perhaps so on a RP6.  
Looking for RP6 insight
Ageee ^^^^^I had the Exact II on a P3-24, It's a good cartridge. Try to get the RP 6 for $900. Remember Rega TT's have no VTA so your cartridge choices are limited. 
Custom power cables for powered speakers
+1 on the AQ angle adapter. I use one on my Halo amp in my HT system. 
Analog Tube Audio: where is my SME 3009?
True Dover, but he could at least answer and email. 
The problem with the speaker industry
How to go about collecting Classical Music
Yes, FM radio is another good source. I have an Accuphase funer in my office system and a very good classical station about 30 miles away. When I hear something I like, I go to their online playlist and get the details of the recording and can usu... 
How to go about collecting Classical Music
"Jdane, trouble is I don't know or haven't been exposed to enough classical music to know what I like or don't"Skyscraper, streaming will open up a easy way for you to find new (to you) classical music. You can buy a used Node 2i and subscribe to ... 
How to go about collecting Classical Music
If you are not streaming already, I would recommend an inexpensive streamer like the Node2i. That's what I did and it enabled me to listen to all genres of classical music and then add to my lp or CD collection when I wanted the physical media. 
The Weekend
It sucked. Wasn't Keith Richards available? 
Yamaha vs Rotel
For a streamer with DAC, Node 2i new or used.  Use the built-in DAC for a while, than save up for an external R2R DAC.  
Yamaha vs Rotel
Budget for DAC? 
Best temperature for optimum tube performance
I use one of their component fans with front exhaust on my Parasound 5 channel SS amp. They have other fans for cabinets. 
Help! Receiver or preamp? Im overwhelmed...
With your budget, I would recommend a used Marantz AV processor. I've had one for about 6 years, never had a problem. A used Anthem, a better piece, is over your budget.