
Responses from emailists

Dedicated Line(s), One Line or Two?
I'm in Manhattan as well, and would love to hear your JL subs when your system is done.   I'm trying to decide as well what dedicated lines to install (I'm running off a single 20 amp right now). This thread has me thinking.   Since the digital (a... 
Questionable service at Soundsmith
In the custom musical instrument industry people can wait years for a product from. master craftsman like Peter.  I hope he is able to pass on his amazing knowledge and skill to someone before he retires.   On a completely other note, I have heard... 
First off I am a dealer for Velodyne, so there’s that. I have a pair of the DD10+ (on sustrum stands about 20" off the floor which I felt helped articulation,) complementing Tad CR1’s.  I run the TAD’s full range and the subs of the amps, which I ... 
What used speaker would you buy with $20,000-$35,000 and why?
NAB I think it would help to state your listening preferences, preferred system size and room size. I even think the desired volume is a factor as some systems can truly sound alive even at whisper levels, while other need to be full tilt to get t... 
JL Audio e112 sub vs. JL Audio Fathom 112 v.2
EJR, was the velodyne sub the latest digital drive plus series? I only ask because before deciding on a subwoofer line to bring in and sell as a dealer I looked closely at JL and Velodyne but couldn’t properly compare either, so just took a crap s... 
Has biwire speaker cabling become "old" ?
Thanks to whoever pointed out the faq on Vanderstein's  site.   A great read.   
Has biwire speaker cabling become "old" ?
Disclaimer: I’m a dealer for some of the products mentioned. I am actually now using a crazy looking short quad wire system after previously running from jumpers/cables off a single wire and feel there is a sonic benefit. 3 of the 4 are bare wire ... 
Why does most new music suck?
I was listening to some modern hip hop with some much younger friends (I look about 15 years younger than I am) and put on Talking Heads crosseyed and painless.  The 21 year old girl started grooving to it immediately.   I explained it was made in... 
Do you think audiophiles are the most gullible hobbyists
Hey I bought that diamond dog collar.... As a fashion accessory for myself.   
The one piece of gear you will never sell
While there are other speakers I would like to own (raidho, soundlab, and Magico) I don't think I could ever sell my TAD CR1's. They are small enough that perhaps taken off stands could end up as a bedroom system or near field monitor for a rather... 
Latest Absolute Sound
Off topic but venting anywAy... A few nights ago I was with a woman (just a friend) out for an evening in my used 2010 911 targa 4S. (Only true sports car with 4 seats and a hatchback I know of) though she’s been in the in car sevral times before,... 
I too have noticed for a long time (first with PS audio PWD1/2 and now with thier DS) that flac does not sound as good as WAV or AIF. This was running first with Elyric and now Jriver on an old Mac pro and now a new Mac pro. Transcoding to wav on ... 
Why do people that are Into rap and hip-hop even want a high-end audio system
OK Jond I see your point.  
Latest Absolute Sound
OK I'm defended Taters in his hip hop thread but now I see his is rabel rousing (politely though)First I think some of the recent TAS issues have been fantastic.   All gear I wanted to read about or have heard.    I truly enjoy reading (and hearin... 
Why do people that are Into rap and hip-hop even want a high-end audio system
How is tater's question veiled racism?   It's a valid question he's asking about whether accuracy is important to music that generally uses computer generated, often bloated sonics, low quality samples, high compression and is optimized for a club...