

Responses from elberoth2

Maybe no soft dome tweeter available at the time was good enough ? Just a thought. 
reader assembly in PS Audio Lambda II transport
On some players, it does work, on other - doesn't. From what I have heard, with Lampbda it may be hit or miss. 
USB to SPDIF Converters
Thanks for the tip. Ordered one as well. At $99, V-LINK is a no brainer. 
reader assembly in PS Audio Lambda II transport
CDM 9/44 is the full model name for CDM-9.AFAIK Lambda used CDM-9Pro (9/60) transport mechanism though - you have to open yours to check. 
Sonicweld Diverter HR, etc...
Have you considered Audiophileo or the BADA Alpha USB USB > SPDIF converters ? Both are considerably cheaper ($550 for the Audiophileo and $1600 for the BADA) and both will perform considerably better than Benchmark's own USB input. 
Shunyata Diamondback PC with Wattgate connectors
Weird ... always thought that the Shunyata Taipan Alpha was in fact a Diamondback with a better AC and IEC plugs ? 
No focal tweeter anymore. 
Need Advice On A Network Music Player
Having heard Logitech Squeeze Box Touch, Marantz NA7004 and Bryston BDP-1 in one system I can only say - go with the Bryston !Sound qualty wise, it is completely another league then the other two. More resolution, more micro dynamics, more soundst... 
Cd player w/ digital input + volume control $2500
I will econd the Audiolab 820CDQ. It is a terrific sounding unit, has several digital inputs (RCA & Tos), 24/96 USB input, reclocker and variabke outs. In terms of sonics, it is somehow similar to RA Opus21 GNSC and offers listenability over u... 
Cd player w/ digital input + volume control $2500
I will econd the Audiolab 820CDQ. It is a terrific sounding unit, has several digital inputs (RCA & Tos), 24/96 USB input, reclocker and variabke outs. In terms of sonics, it is somehow similar to RA Opus21 GNSC and offers listenability over u... 
Wilson Sophia III vs Sasha
As an ex Sophia 2 and current Sasha owner, I would advise to spend that 15k on elektronics/cables/acustics first. You will end up with better sound. Sophia 3 is a terific speaker. 
Magico V3
Magico just introduced the successor to V3 - it is called S5 and will be introduced at CES 2012. Price is $28k. 
Do not buy any Sonus Faber used
Dtc - do you think that your VW dealership should refuse a full paid rapair work on your Jetta, only because it was imported from Canada ?This is radiculous. 
Esoteric K-01
On G0 rb clock benefits, sharing the below clock specs i read about when i was reading about the K-01.Esoteric D-02/K-01/K-03: ±0.5ppmAntelope Isochrone 10M: ±0.00003ppmA friend of mine had tried Antelope Isochrone 10M atomic clock with his K-01 a... 
Do not buy any Sonus Faber used
I agree with Peterayer and Swampwalker. Not covering warranty repairs should be perfectly appropriate.Just imagine going with a 10 year old VW Jetta, which was imported from, say Canada, by the previous owner, and the dealership refusing a full pa...