
Responses from ejr1953

SACD drive sources
I have one of Paul's DirectStream transports (and DAC) and when I heard that Oppo was getting out of the disk drive business, I was not happy.In my four years of being a PS Audio customer, I've enjoyed the best service from them, so when Paul says... 
Dealer Behavior
The worst dealer visit I had was in my search for a new pair of speakers, visiting JS Audio in Bethesda, MD.  I visited on a hot, rainy summer Saturday.  During my visit, not a single other customer walked thru the door.I was interested in a pair ... 
PS Audio vs NAD M12
Back in the day I owned lots of NAD products, a full "Masters Series" stack being the last NAD setup.  Though I loved the sound and simplicity of the features, most of my components needed service.  My M3's display screen went crazy and display hi... 
Klipsch!. The worst speaker company, EVER?
In the late 70's I sold high end audio and sold quite a few pairs of all the now "classic" Klipsch models, they weren't my "cup of tea", but those who bought them from me seemed to enjoy their purchases, as evidenced by how not a single purchaser ... 
Recommendation for tube amp.
I heard a Carver Crimson 275 amp at the DC show and I thought it sounded very nice.  A dealer on Audiogon has it listed (for a new unit) at $2750. 
Which integrated amp do you suggest?
A few months ago I snagged a Yamaha A-S1000 for my son-in-law and it sounds so good, has such great build quality, so add another "+" to the Yamaha A-S801 opinion count. 
Qobuz Windows App
I spent some "quality time" investigating why the Qobuz app is so flaky on my Windows 10 Pro machine and the "smoking gun" is not the Qobuz app, but Windows.  I keep this machine up to date with everything, and power it down when I'm done.  It's n... 
Qobuz Windows App
I run the Qobuz app on a powerful Windows10 Pro machine and I find the best way to avoid the slowness in the app is to boot up the machine well in advance of my listening session, so it has time to complete the startup anti-virus scan, and complet... 
My Qobuz trial was up tomorrow, decided to "take the plunge" and sign up for a year of the hi-res streaming plan.  I find that they have a better selection of classical music and the search for that is a little better than Tidal.  I'll be keeping ... 
A New? Way to Buy Loudspeakers??
It's very funny to me!  There is no way you can evaluate how a speaker will sound, hooked up to your electronics, in your room, by using this method.I have a friend who is a software developer (smart about that), and once told me that he compared ... 
By the end of the week I'll be thru my month's trial of Qobuz and will need to decide if I'll buy a membership.  I'm leaning to do so and to also keep my Tidal account as well.I do enjoy many (but not all of the) MQA masters on Tidal.  If there's ... 
Do you listen to equipment or music.
Interesting discussion.Back in the late 70’s I sold equipment at a high end shop in DC and as I got to be a better salesman I found I was pretty much wasting my time with those who listened to equipment before listening to the music, they hardly e... 
Enjoying My New Focal Sopra No2's
I’ve used sub woofers in my systems for a while.  I feel the bass that the Sopra’s have is very good, but I find that, once you get thru the process of getting subs well integrated with the room and speakers, the final result is more enjoyable.  I... 
Equipment break in question
I find that my new equipment takes a bit of break in time to sound its best, especially my speakers.  I wouldn't say the differences are that "dramatic", but after enjoying my new speakers for about six months, one night I found that they finally ... 
Qobuz Coming to America Soon!
I received an "invite" and installed the Qobuz Windows 64 bit app on my Windows10 Pro 64 bit, I7 quad core machine, with 16 gigs of memory.  I'm about halfway thru the month's free trial.The app is "flaky", at times seems to go off doing "who know...