
Responses from ejr1953

Streamer wanted
My upgrade from streaming from a Dell laptop to my current Roon Nucleus Plus server was one of the best improvements in my system sound quality.  The USB port on the server is "dead quiet" and pairs really well with my DAC and external hard drive.... 
How much is overkill??
Last year I bought and installed a pair of KEF LS50 Wireless speakers for our living room/dining room and they sound really good, and easily integrate with Spotify & Roon.  If these were in a more serious listening environment I'd probably add... 
Which speakers did you find bright, fatiguing or just disappointing in some way?
When I was searching for a new pair of speakers I found I couldn't listen to the Wilson's and Magico's for very long, before fatigue set in. 
Need DAC Ideas
I've enjoyed a PS Audio DirectStream DAC since they first came out and highly recommend it.One unique thing about this DAC is that it's performance has been improved with firmware updates 1-2 times per year.I suspect that you'll be able to find li... 
Recommend a dac that contributes to system for tight bass
I have been enjoying a PS Audio DirectStream DAC since it first came out and would highly recommend it.When I first purchased the DAC I used a PS Audio P10 power regenerator and when the P15 first came out, I took advantage of an upgrade offer and... 
SQ vs. Music
inna,Good point about different conductors.  I have several versions of the Beethoven symphonies, some seem to be faster (though the track times are not), some seem more "dynamic" than others, etc.When I was visiting dealer after dealer, auditioni... 
Best Server To Run Roon Core
I have enjoyed a Roon Nucleus Plus server for over a year now and it's been "rock solid", no issues streaming or updating or operating.  I use one of the USB ports for an external hard drive, the other to connect to my DAC and it's dead quiet.I ha... 
Would you Upgrade?
I've owned a pair of Focal Sopra No2's since they first hit our shores and they just might be the last pair of speakers I own (for my man cave).  I have them being driven by a McIntosh MC452 power amp, which some of my friends describe as sounding... 
What makes speaker's sound big?
A few years ago, in our prior house, I moved my audio system from our 13'x24' living room to a 24'x26' family room and my then pair of Totem Fire monitors and Velodyne sub woofer with a 10" driver just didn't fill the new room.  I ended up replaci... 
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE
I've enjoyed my Focal Sopra No2's since they first arrived in the USA and am thinking that they might be my last. 
Remarkably better sound possible with just 1 system component change?
My system has all digital input sources and is very similar to yours, though I do have a "PS Audio stack".  Most often I stream Qobuz using my Roon Nucleus Plus server into my PS Audio DirectStream DAC, then into a McIntosh C2500, McIntosh MC452 a... 
Opinion: of the Hi-Res streaming services out there, which do you use and why?
For my high end audio system I started out with Tidal and when Qobuz became available, had both for a while, thought I really didn't need both (especially since I could find everything I wanted to listen to on both), so I did an interesting A-B te... 
Canine Listeners?
I must say, our 14 year old collie mix rescue dog (Gatsby) seems to like Beethoven symphonies.  One time, after we listened to symphony #6, just for grins I streamed a Jay Z song and he immediately got up and asked to leave my listening room!Smart... 
Why is there so much separation between the professional audio and audiophile worlds?
When @mapman says " Pro is about getting the job done well within a budget." I think back to 1971-2 when I had a part time job at a recording studio in St. Louis which had the contract for Budweiser radio commercials.  The operation was "all busi... 
A good idea when buying on line
Interesting approach.  Looks like both you and the seller were interested in creating a "win-win" with this transaction.  Good for you!