
Responses from edgewear

Not much talk about Yamaha turntables.
@halcro If they used motors from outside sources to build DD turntables for other companies, they could have done the same thing for DD tables under their own name.....They didn’t, so I guess you are correct to assume that their heart was with bel... 
Not much talk about Yamaha turntables.
Okay, so I assume that the high priced 2000X on Hifido recently must have been equipped with the heavy platter and other ’extra’s’. My mistake.@halcro my first question was to get confirmation that Micro built these tables. Apparently they did, wh... 
FR66S vs Ikeda IT-407 vs FR66FX
Another Reed 3P (with vdH Colibri) and FR user here, although my experience is limited to the 64s and 64fx. In terms of ’adjustability’ I agree with chakster that Reed is most versatile. But my sample of the 3P has a fixed headshell and mounting a... 
Not much talk about Yamaha turntables.
@theophile I don't know what's your problem, but I sense a certain discomfort in your words. Repeating 'please cease repeating...' five times? Anyway, Hifido in Japan offers GT-2000 models for sale on a regular basis, usually priced around $2k. Re... 
Not much talk about Yamaha turntables.
Speaking of GT-2000L, I've read somewhere that the Yamaha GT series of DD turntables were built by Micro Seiki. Can anyone confirm this is a true story?That would suggest they were also responsible for the GT-2000X, which is generally considered o... 
Favorite Recordings Featuring Odd Selections of Musical Instruments.
The first ’odd’ example that pops into my head is on Zappa’s Yellow Shark, performed by the highly respected Ensemble Modern. On a piece called ’Welcome To The United States’ he had oboe player Catherine Milliken play a didgeridoo stuck in a bucke... 
Direct Drive vs. Idler Drive vs. Belt drive
Nandric, I'm happy to learn not all Dutch are to blame for Philips propoganda. Thank goodness, I'm off the hook! Your grandpa was generalizing a bit, woudn't you agree? Besides, Linn is not a British, but a Scottish company. In the United Kingdom,... 
Direct Drive vs. Idler Drive vs. Belt drive
Nandric, the 'accusion' as you like to call it was aimed at Philips for their preposterous CD propoganda. Last time I checked this is a Dutch company......  
Direct Drive vs. Idler Drive vs. Belt drive
How about the Dutch? Remember the Philips slogan 'perfect sound forever'? 
Vinyl News
The dedication of electric recording co. (ERC) in producing exact facsimile reproductions is fanatical, but to me at these prices it seems an excercise in futility. Nostalgia for the rich.The owner started with reissueing a handful of classical ti... 
Ikeda IT-407 tonearm geometry
Perhaps I’m an idiot with tin ears, but in my experience the sonic differences between the various alignment geometries shouldn’t be exaggerated. I use FR 64s and 64fx tonearms with the specified P2S distance of 230mm, which means that the geometr... 
Most recordings you own by a single artist, group, or composer
I’m a Frank Zappa completist, which means I’m over a hundred albums and counting. ’The Torture Never Stops’ .......😎 (would have been nice to stick in his trademark moustache here). I can’t help wondering what FZ’s comments would have been about t... 
Who owns/owned a Fidelity Research FR1 MK3F & what is similar but better
Indeed some mysteries remain. But they sound great, no mystery there! Coincidentally I recently discovered that they shift another gear if you use them with a silver wired step up transformer. I acquired an Ortofon T-3000 for use with my MC5000 an... 
Who owns/owned a Fidelity Research FR1 MK3F & what is similar but better
Dear chakster, I wouldn’t say there’s a hype about the MC702, it’s the least know member of the FR7 family (it even changed its name). It may have been a rebadged FR7f for export purposes, which wasn’t an uncommon practice. Ikeda himself did somet... 
Who owns/owned a Fidelity Research FR1 MK3F & what is similar but better
Here and elsewhere the question has been asked what is the exact difference between FR7f and FR7fz. As far as I can detect with my fairly basic magnifier, they have the same cantilever and the same stylus, called 'refined line contact'.It is docum...