
Responses from edgewear

KISEKI PURPLE NS your reviews....
Touché. I don't see why an experienced retipper, having access to the same parts supplied by the same jewellery companies, couldn't perform the job in the same way as the person or company who designed and built it. 
Best cartridge for very old worn vinyl
Dear Howard,With the SPU the distance from the collar (of the headshell) to the stylus tip is exactly 51mm. Ikeda clearly designed the FR7 with the SPU in mind and chose that same distance. This is why both these types are correctly aligned to Ste... 
KISEKI PURPLE NS your reviews....
Dear Nandric, that is a shocking figure. My information came from Daniele Montebovi of cartridgelab in Rome, Italy. He did some excellent work for me on an old Dynavector Ultimo DV-30C and we developped an interesting email correspondence about ex... 
LP made from a digital master recording...
That's right, with an analog source vinyl will always be preferable. Provided the record manufacturing process doesn't have any intermediairy digital steps, which would throw all the benefits of the infinite analog signal out of the window.With di... 
KISEKI PURPLE NS your reviews....
Dear Nandric, I won’t skimp on a retip. The Lapis is a gorgeous sounding cartridge, even with the non-original boron cantilever and vdH stylus. It’s still a long way from needing one, but when that time comes I will definitely go for a diamond can... 
Best cartridge for very old worn vinyl
Howard, there are some heated discussions about alignment on this forum, so I understand your reluctance to go there. I’ll probably get grilled for saying this (or accused of having tin ears) but to me the supposed sonic differences between the di... 
Best cartridge for very old worn vinyl
@howardalex, I'm not familiar with Brinkmann TT, but if you have observed the P2S distance of the FR-66 according to FR's specs, than FR7's and SPU's should be correctly aligned. I have installed the FR-64S according to their spec (230mm) and they... 
KISEKI PURPLE NS your reviews....
Dear Nandric, thanks for your confirmation on impedance. Compared to my other cartridges I would guess the Lapis has an output around 0.4 mV. As my sample had been previously retipped I had to figure out VTF and settled on 1.85 grams. The vdHul ti... 
KISEKI PURPLE NS your reviews....
@nandric, the story of ’getting back at Sugano’ is well known and not disclaimed by van den Dungen, so probably holds some truth. Your speculation that the original Kiseki’s were built by Kondo is an interesting ’theory’, which almost sounds too g... 
Best cartridge for very old worn vinyl
Just curious, but why would you accept worn copies of Argo records? Most titles from this catalogue can be found in NM condition for $10-15. But apart from that, I agree with chakster that cartridges with advanced stylus profiles are usually most ... 
ZEN cartridge ?
More or less accidentally I stumbled on this old thread about 'zen' cartridges and the resulting confusion as there are in fact two kinds: the Zenn brand designed by Hiroaki Hibino and identical to the Klipsch MCZ series (Z presumably for Zen?) an... 
Aidas Cartridge
I’ve had the pleasure to listen to the Aidas Black Sound - Red Heart. This was sent to me by Victor Simakov of Virahighend along with a Krell KC-200 I purchased from him. This came as a complete surprise and it offered me a chance to try it in my ... 
New Vinyl
I believe these reissues focus on records that cost several thousands in their original form. Think of the various Kogan records on the UK columbia SAX label or the Mozart à Paris box and similar stuff. Therefore these $350 reissues, meticulously ... 
'Diamond' cantilevers: a man's best friend?
Well, this topic was purported to be about the merits - or lack thereof - of diamond cantilevers. And not about the merits of ’no cantilever’ designs. These may very well be superior to anything with a cantilever, diamond or otherwise. I own the I... 
@millercarbon, back then is was "harsh or lush"? You're joking, right?