
Responses from edesilva

Mass .WAV compression utility?
The ripping to .wav files took months. The mac just finished converting the .wav files to .aac--took about 100 hours... 
Building a Music server
You might want to check over at http://www.avsforum.com in the Mac part of the HTPC forum, but I seem to recall folks have had issues with getting Mac devices to pass 5.1. The Waveterminal does not--2CH only. The difusi looks like a nice box... Wo... 
Audiophile USB to PCM
Interesting--glad you chimed in. Maybe I'll look at my Waveterminal again to see if it is capable of something better than 16/44 and give it a go.I'm still a bit puzzled by the "why," however. In my admittedly simplistic view, you need software an... 
Audiophile USB to PCM
I'd be interested in hearing from Audioengr, I'm curious how anyone can make the blanket statement that foobar's upsampling is better than hardware upsampling... Don't get me wrong, I love foobar. But, foobar is a piece of software written for con... 
Mass .WAV compression utility?
Its been running now for about 42 hours and is slightly less than half done... 
Mass .WAV compression utility?
Kennyt-Thanks, but I figured out what the problem was. If I log into the server before starting iTunes, the "!"s don't appear. Its only if iTunes starts before its logged into the server. I started AAC compression of all the files last night at ab... 
Audiophile USB to PCM
Rk_t, I think you hit the nail on the head. I'm sure someone could write software (or maybe it exists) to use the PC processor to upsample, but... seems to me that would be pretty processor intensive and subject to the vagaries of whatever other d... 
Mass .WAV compression utility?
Well, I pieced it together. There is a line item under one of the top menu selections that previously read "Convert to WAV", but I found that if you go into the advanced preferences, you can change the preferred encoding the "mp3" or "AAC" or what... 
Mass .WAV compression utility?
Hmm. I was hoping there was a way to do it with iTunes, but I couldn't find that option. Are you using iTunes 5.0? Half the problem is that with Apple's overscan, I can't see the menu bar on the top. I had that fixed for a while with Panther, beca... 
Music and its associations
The scary part about the whole thing is that you can't always choose which songs end up on the soundtrack. I've got some powerful memories associated with songs I'd frankly never listen to but for those memories. On the other hand, whenever I hear... 
iPod Nano Sound Quality - Your Feedback Please?
>Yes I do think a lot of Audiogoners took one look at the>nano, as I did, and had to have one right away. But I could>be wrong.Not wrong. I bought two. :)Strange thing is that even the commercials don't do the little bugger justice. Speak... 
Building a Music server
Congrats!How's the background noise from your machine? I take it with the heatsink there is no fan, or am I misinterpreting? Are you getting any audible drive noise? 
Any Bob fans out there?
My love affair with Bob Mould's work started with Husker Du's New Day Rising... An icon of the hardcore punk era that still holds up today as a phenomenal work. But, for me, my fave is Sugar's Copper Blue. Forget Phil Spector's wall of sound... In... 
Apple Mini 'puter as a CD jukebox?
Do you need to go wireless? If you don't, I'd skip the AE and use a USB audio output device like the Waveterminal U24 or the Edirol UA-1D or M-Audio Sonica. Wireless is subject to a lot of variables that are environmental. I use the Mac Mini ->... 
Best soundcard if have outboard DAC
A lot of computer devices output at 48 kHz, not the native 44.1 kHz for ripped CDs. I know the waveterminal outputs 44.1. Bits are bits, but certain device may be more prone to jitter problems if they have lousy cheapo clocks in them.