
Responses from edcyn

Do you have a "Music" Friend?
deadhead1000I saw the Grateful Dead several times during my college years. I loved it when, during a number like Truckin', they'd suddenly put aside all semblance of keeping tempo and go psychedelic. I was in seventh heaven. I still do formless, J... 
What would be your favorite 3 tracks that demonstrate how great your system sounds?
Any of the stereo recordings from my Rhino Records Roy Orbison LP set.  My old EMI, Blumlein-miked, Vittorio Gui-conducted "Marriage of Figaro" LP set. Bowie's Blackstar CD. For me, clarity, imaging and natural tone quality are the key factors, no... 
How loud are you typically listening?
I spend more time than I should with a violin screaming in my left ear. 
Jazz listening: Is it about the music? Or is it about the sound?
Maybe I'm just not a big enough jazz fan, but for me it's probably the only genre I listen to where it's important for it to sound good. This doesn't mean, though, that I refuse to listen to Django or scratchy old Louis Armstrong reissues. 
How loud are you typically listening?
70's. Low 80's when I'm feeling frisky.  For me, ahem, quality is more important than quantity.   
How do you choose your daily dose of music?
Right now I'm listening to a Harmonia Mundi France LP of Medieval English Vocal Music. I have no idea how it ended up on my shelf. A promo copy I got when I worked at Tower Classics? Did someone just out-and-out give it to me? Does it belong to my... 
Mytek - All in on Roon
Does this mean my Brooklyn Bridge is a boat anchor? Should I gaze on it with loathing? Should I finally realize that my ears & taste are just plain bad? Talk about audio nervosa... 
How do you choose your daily dose of music?
I'll glance at my record or CD collection. I'll have a tune, an artist or an urge to hear an instrument (I'm including stuff like violin sections here). I'll have a riff or melody floating through my brain. I'll have a yen to hear some three dimen... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
I've never gotten anything but harrumphs and eyeball rolling, but my favorite Fifth Symphony is Tchaikovsky's. Maybe it all started when, as a kid, I'd watch a TV show that recreated great moments in history...recreations doctored to make them loo... 
Ultimate Sinatra: Digital Beats Analog
millercarbon -- I got it on the 'table now. Excellent fidelity.  A studio recording no question, but a skillful one. Spacious soundstage. Brass, percussion, strings and piano have veracity & punch. Maybe a smidgeon of edge from Frankie's vocal... 
Do you have a "Music" Friend?
Lemme drift this thread a bit. I play a variety of musical instruments, and when I lived in L.A. I'd go to various bars, parks & private homes and play music with folks.  No, I never had the chops to do classical but I was pretty good with fol... 
Ultimate Sinatra: Digital Beats Analog
Hey, millercarbon, I just spotted the Sinatra-Basie record on my album shelf. On Reprise. It's too late in the evening to put it on, but tomorrow I'll see how it compares soundwise to Sinatra's earlier Capitol Records period. 
Don't get it, why anyone would ask others "what sounds best"?
I just attempted to post a wonderful, generous reply on this forum but Windows cruelly whisked it into cyber oblivion. Aaaak! 
members and their systems
It took a while but eventually I assembled a system that gives me near continual satisfaction. I now only enter the market when something breaks, obviously wears out, or when a new technology both comes of age and becomes affordable. I've even rea... 
Do you have a "Music" Friend?
Not in 40+ years. When me and my friends were in our early twenties, we would spend entire evenings playing records, but by the mid 1970's I was burned out with my buddies' perennial fixation with hippie rock blues.  I'd put on Lou Reed, David Bow...