
Responses from dynamiclinearity

Herbie’s Spike Decoupling Gliders: my…experience
Decoupling seems to reduce vibration feeding back into the system components which reduces microphonics and it seems our systems have gotten good enough that microphonics affects the electronic performance in an a way that we can now here. Spiking... 
Where did you buy your first audio gear?
My 1st system was a college graduation gift from my parents in 1964. I got super interested in audio due to other students in my dorm. It turned out that my uncle handled books for Dynaco and Dynaco had a close relationship with Acoustic Research ... 
Mass-loading subwoofer
Some of the latest thinking is to isolate elements of the system from vibration and microphonics and there seems to be strong evidence for this. Consider looking into feet that isolate the subs from the floor rather than using feet that couple to ... 
Does a turntable make a DRAMATIC difference?
Remember when setting up that changing VTF also changes VTA so you have to reset VTA every time you change VTF.    
Shakti Stone
Any weight will affect vibration in the chassis which will affect microphonics which is a known cause of sonic change. This could be waht is heard with a Shkti stone and would be hard to separate from the claim of electro magnetic affects made by ... 
Does anyone on this Forum have any experience with Audio research ref 610t monoblocks
The 610T is, of course a class AB amp. If it were class A you'd need to air condition in the winter. But it is class A ay lower output and while I couldn't find at what point it switches from class A I suspect it's more than a few watts(Maybe some... 
Indentical measurments = Identical performance?
All measurements are science. The problem is whether the measurements done are complete. The Stereophile measurements are perfectly good. But they are not sufficient to describe the sound produced. I've seen measurements that sometimes give good c... 
Finally made the transition to a tube preamp!
A friend of mine once wrote an article called 'Color Me Perfect', the jist of which is no audio product is perfect and you pick the one that fits your system and your tastes best. Neither tube or solid state circuitry is perfect and they each have... 
The thing about objectivists is...
Great audio is the result of optimal use of objective measurements(the right ones) and subjective listening. Without the combination there is audio chaos and the inability to repeat what has been achieved. This shouldn't be a war between two sides... 
Magico M9 a ton of weight and a million dollar price tag $750,000
I read a ton of emotional reaction but nothing about how the speaker was designed or how well it works. I suspect none of the commentators have any real knowledge of either. The only thing that brought a smile to my face was the handle of one wri... 
What does Q mean in speaker specifications?
erik_squires is correct. The original LS3/5a had a Q of 1.2 which produced a bump in the mid bass. This was done to balance the bass to the rest of the sound spectrum since a flat speaker sounds lean if it's bass resonance is high like the LS3/5a.... 
Are Expensive Balanced Interconnects Necessary?
All other things being equal balanced is superior, quieter and more gain. And unfortunately it's more expensive.  
When a budget speaker is preferred to a high end one...
Decades ago in the 1970s i worked for a Philadelphia area chain, Wall To Wall Sound. As a come on we advertised Dynaco A25 speakers at a price I made no Commision. We also sold the original JBL 100s and the original Heil speakers for 4 to 5 times ... 
Why do so many people have problems with bass?
Three possible problems with bass. 1. Room nodes mainly based on speaker location and room dimensions. There are zero nodes and big bass nodes and you need to place the listening seat and speaker location to minimize these affects. 2. Speaker ba... 
Which pair of speakers changed your Hifi life?
IMF Studio transmission line speakers. Not only were they a step up from my original AR2a(modded to the x version) but because of them I got to know the man they were named for, Bud Fried and we became life long pals and later through him I got to...