

Responses from dweller

Best Covers
Saving Escape covering Alabama Shakes "Gimme All Your Love".    
Wool Blankets as Room treatment
BE CAREFUL! Only buy Pendelton from factory website or Amazon. I bought from a "Pop-Up" ad (which looked legit) but the bill said something like "Murphy's Feed and Farm Implements" some where in New England. Use caution.  
How would you spend my next $5K?
I like your idea for super-tweeters. You want as much "atmosphere" (illusion of space) in your smallish room as possible. Just make sure you can return if they don't work. Is Townshend still making these?  
Found a Milty Zerostat alternative
I believe the Zerostat came with an attachment that snugged onto the ion exit (like a flash hider on an AR). When you squeezed the trigger, it would make the gizmo light up (may be an hallucination I'm remembering). The best trick is to spray the... 
Found a Milty Zerostat alternative
Zerostats used to be MUCH stronger (e.g. 1980s) than today. Could almost see sparks shooting out. Then, they changed the internal element to something weaker. Still works but not the same.  
Best musical center channel under $300
Any KEF in your price range.  
Velodyne DD15 - internal wiring
Have you checked the connections from amp to speaker? My push-on clip came loose from the stud resulting in no sound. Simple fix.  
Audio Artistry Beethoven Elite
After much pondering, I believe I employed an Adcom GFA-535 for subwoofer duties. Seemed to work well. I know it wasn't anything fancy.  
Audio Artistry Beethoven Elite
It's been a long time and I don't remember using a separate amp for the subs. However, looking at the crossover, on Bing Images, it appears that two stereo amps are necessary. Plug the output from your preamp into the crossover (left/right in) and... 
Audio Artistry Beethoven Elite
No, not hard. just hook up the main panels like normal. Think you must hook up the (external) bass crossover before running wire to the subwoofers. This is from memory (24 years ago). I had a pair of AA Dvoraks which are the same configuration. Ho... 
Records and CDs
I enjoy the heck out of vinyl. However, I detest having to jump up every twenty minutes to change the record. My young audiophile dream was to, ASAP, transfer all new acquisitions to R-2-R tape for playback. This is the only way to enjoy the new ... 
Beethoven Pathetique Audio Artistry
I Got Ants in my Pants and Need to Dance
Aerosmith - Walk This Way Police - Message in a Bottle Pretenders - Precious  
20 Years?
Anybody heard from Cornfedboy?  
20 Years?
Since MAY, 2021. I was dwelling here two-or three years prior to creating a user ID.