Responses from dweller
That Transformational piece of Gear We All Wish For It would be nice if the Wizards at BAT would make it easier to strap their amps for mono operation. Having to send them to the factory is a real pain. | |
What’s your favorite audio show to attend and why? Really liked Summer C.E.S. in Chicago. Saw many Audio Rock Stars there e.g. J. Gordon Holt, Dave Wilson, Julian Hirsch, Mr. Shahinian, Steve McCormack et al. Also liked T.H.E. shows in Las Vegas when I lived there. Got a textbook lesson in system... | |
Anyone Remeber CMC Stereo? Allied Radio, Pacific Stereo, Olson Electronics. These are the chains I remember (does Circuit City count?). Never heard of CMC. What region did they serve? | |
Shorting plugs nonoise - Thanks | |
Shorting plugs Pray tell, where might one acquire these shorting plugs/caps? Not found at Music Direct. | |
That Transformational piece of Gear We All Wish For Started using a BAT VK-33SE a few years ago. Paired with the BAT VK-255SE, the resolution is just staggering, | |
100's of free Absolute Sound and Stereophile mags Does anyone else feel Stereophile and TAS should publish volumes containing past (by decade, etc.) music reviews? I regularly dispose of stacks of these mags when they get too high and wish I could save the music reviews. | |
Deal Alert Found it (page T11). | |
Deal Alert Thanks Bro... | |
The Horror It’s just relativity. Next time you get home from T.H.E. Show, don’t listen to any music for a week. | |
Where can I get a set of Harmonic Technology pro 11 speaker cables re terminated? Try to desolder the old one off instead of cutting wire. I had my HT Pro 9s reterminated so many times, there isn't much wire left. | |
MBL 101E How old is each pair? This model has been around 30 years or more. A five year old pair is worth more than a 25 year old pair. | |
Quandary Right, you must audition the amp they want you to buy. Another option is to buy one used as Pass does very well on the resale market (the Benchmark does too). | |
When was the last time when serious new instrument was invented ? Here's something new: | |
When was the last time when serious new instrument was invented ? I’d say the most exciting thing on the music horizon is AI. Who hasn’t wished for an app that could build a song around a riff or a few bars hummed from your mouth? I have a collection of fragments that have magically appeared in my head over the... |