
Responses from drseid

Thiel CS 1.5 vs Linn Katan
On the larger (and bigger sounding) side of monitors, you may want to look for a used pair of Tyler Acoustics Linbrook Signatures... New, they are sold direct from Tyler at about 3K, but they can be found used under 2K. These have top-notch SEAS E... 
Name some full range speakers.
McIntosh XRT-28s... 18 hz and cost 18K... Love the speakers, but 20 hz (for real) dosen't come cheap.---Dave 
Opinions please
I guess I will take a different viewpoint to many of the other posters... I believe there is nothing wrong with your front-end at all... Aragon's older amps are fine, IMO (the newer ones aren't too bad either). I really don't believe you are missi... 
Large monitor/small floorstander suggestions?
If you can find them used, you may want to try the Consonance Eric-3 floorstanders... Very slim and shallow profile makes them take up no more space than a standmount. Quite impressive sound... They go for under 2K new, so I would figure 1K used w... 
Anyone hear the Von Schweikert DB-99?
Hi Larry,Quest for Sound was the dealer at THE Show that had them hooked up to the same Consonance gear when I heard them... The match is a perfect one, as far as I am concerned. I think you are going to be *very* happy with your decision... You a... 
Anyone heard the new Von' VR4 SR yet??
You can see my responses under the "Anyone hear the DB99 thread... Short answer is I did not like them at all... but it was at THE Show, so the room and electronics may not have been optimal.---Dave 
Anyone hear the Von Schweikert DB-99?
I heard that too... But in my case, it was on the last full day of THE Show (it was also the day CES wrapped up). VS did have some problems with the CD player when I was in the room though (sorry, I did not catch the brand)... From what I heard, m... 
Anyone hear the Von Schweikert DB-99?
Hi Tickfight,I heard the VR SR at the THE Show in Vegas (same show I heard the DB99s at, but in different rooms and on different electronics)...My take was I came off very unimpressed (and I loved the DB-99s, and many other VS speakers I heard whi... 
Best used speaker under $1000 for tube low watter
I'll second Bryhifi's recommendation of the Eric-1s. I heard them in January when Quest for Sound was at THE Show in Vegas, and I was extremely impressed.Another possibility is a used pair of Tyler Acoustics Taylo Reference Monitors. They should b... 
Anyone hear the Von Schweikert DB-99?
I heard these at THE Show this year in Vegas, powered by top-of-the-line Consonance tube electronics, with the new Consonance Droplet tube CD player as the source (in the Consonance room).Quite frankly, the sound was absolutely phenominal... The s... 
I'm loooking for this system...
The Tylers can be demoed two ways actually... One is through the 21 day home trial (but you have to essentially buy the speakers in order to do it that way, with return privilages... but you have to pay the return shipping costs)... The other is t... 
I'm loooking for this system...
I would recommend the Tyler Acoustics Linbrook System (1 piece), paired with a CODA (SS) integrated amp. This combo should run you about 10K in total, and could very well be the keeper system you seek.---Dave 
Advice on choosing speakers
For Rock and acoustics in your used price range I recommend auditioning the McIntosh XRT-28s... They go for 18K+ new, but can be had around 9K used.I listened to these guys at great length while on vacation late last year, and they impressed me to... 
Tyler Acoustics Linbrook system II
Since I use SS (I power my Signature System with an Aragon 3002 Power Amp fed by a Cary pre/pro), I don't claim to be a big "tube" authority, per se... But if your Blue Circle puts out 50 watts and you don't lose any sound quality... of the two, I... 
Tyler Acoustics Linbrook system II
I heard them extensively at this year's THE Show in Vegas. They were powered by Jolida, with a Jolida CD player as well.While I personally would have chose different electronics, and the room was far from ideal...The soundstage was similar to my s...