
Responses from drrdiamond

Benefits of Bi-Amping high-powered amps?
Yes, there is an advantage in bi-amping either vertically or horizontally, but the big advantage would be with actively biamping your speakers, if done right. I was lucky in that Dan D'Agostino of Krell designed the modifications to my B&W800'... 
Does the amp wattage make a big difference?
"You can never have too much power." I got that quote from Krell, and I agree.Richard 
Mahler...OK I'm hooked
For the BEST 2nd ----> Rattle's version has won nearly every award. I would put it at or near the top as the best CD I own. 
Krell amps and magnaplaner. Doe's it work?
I don't know about Maggies, but they were (are) great with all Apogee's. Apogee used Krell internal amps not only to power the subwoofer on theit famous $85,000 Grand speaker, but also used Krell for the internal tweeter amp.I heard that speaker w... 
The best USED transport today - for under 500.00
EAD T-7000 
Good Audio Dealer in San Francisco
One of the best, most honest, low pressure dealer was the Ultimate Sound. Unfortunately they are now hard to reach, and I don't think they have reopened. The owner, David Tam is one great guy who always went above and beyond.Richard 
Review: PURE NOTE SIGMA Power cord
An info follow up:These great cords can be seen at: www.purenote.comRichard 
Dedicated outlet..suggestions..
The more dedicated lines the better. I now have three and am adding fourth shortly (I hope). One 30 amp circuit for each of my two amps, one 20 amp circuit for my front end, and hope to add another to separate the digital from analog.The biggest d... 
Best Buy or Good Value in a Transport CD
My recommendation, and what I use in my megabuck system, is the EAD T-7000 transport.Richard 
I need advise on amp upgrade.
KRELL!Best bang for the buck, in my not so humble opinion, is a used Krell FPB300.Richard 
Best used amp 6K;Gamut,Gryphon Krell ..
I love Krell!That said, the Pass, I think, is no longer made and repairs my be hard to come by. The Mc is not in the same class with most of the others. The Krell has almost limitless power given enough power at the wall, and in many reviewers opi... 
How old is too old ?....
FYIAbout a dozen years ago I compared, side-by-side, the then top of the line KEF107 to the B&W801. The KEF sounded vailed, lacking detail compared to the B&W. The current B&W's surpass the previous models in virtually all cases. If yo... 
What's better 100w class a or 200w class ab?
Krell's FPB series amps are designed to run at class A to full power. This might have something to so with why they named them as they did: Full Power BalancedRichard 
What's better 100w class a or 200w class ab?
Depends on the designer. Example: Krell designs primarily class A, while Cello use to design class AB. Both are great!Richard 
Leaving your amps on,
Please discribe what you hear in more detail. How loud. How big and what brand are your amps and speakers. if the source is changed, does the sound change. Please be as specific as possible.Richard