

Responses from driver

Personal amp evolution
An interesting series of events recently took place that made me realize I have an amp I really enjoy, so I'll probably keep my Ayre V-5x for now. Before that it was an Ayre V-3, Pass Aleph 5, Bryston 4BST; Plinius, Musical Fidelity & Creek in... 
No one cares this is the anniversary?
When I was growing up I heard a lot of stories from vets who had been in the war but other than my mother & father in law, who are both deceased, can't remember the last time I talked with a WW2 vet-at least one that talked about the war.Just ... 
Luminous Audio Axiom passive pre any good?
Please read my Axiom review 
System upgrade suggestions
It's hard to know where to start. What do have/not have that you are looking for? Have you given enough attention to tuning the room, including spkr. positioning?You mention raw AC. What exactly do you mean by that? Why haven't you tried the Wadia... 
What are your favorite monitors?
I was loaned a set of the Spendor 3/5's for 5 weeks while my spkrs. were having some cosmetic surgery & although they imaged well & had a nice tonality, the lack of bass was a sticking point for me. Although I've not auditioned in my house... 
Anyone have their system insured?
Talk to your ins. agent about additional coverage to your household goods that will cover the equipment. Emphasize you want this coverage IN ADDITION to what you have now, as I understand you get a percentage of the house value towards contents. I... 
Marantz vs. Pioneer Receivers
THEY SOUND A LOT BETTER IF YOU TAKE THE LOUDNESS SWITCH OFF!Apart from that, which receiver do you think sounds more musical? That's the one to go with. 
blue collar workers
Hey Reubent,The thing about PJ Harvey is it was new at the time & I didn't realize she went back that far. I take it you don't get her music? I only get some of it :-}I would go as far as saying most radio is putrid redundancy & in fact I ... 
blue collar workers
I drive a big rig & owned my own for 10 yrs. In my travels across the US & Canada I've been able to compile a list of music that I would never have heard staying local. For instance, I was just going through some old notebooks & discov... 
balanced is inherently flawed
Ed, that is SO COOL that you have that info on Bob Heil. I got my start in St. Louis running sound & made the trek over to Marissa many times, both for equipment repair & to get in on some seminars on running sound. The main thing I learne... 
balanced is inherently flawed
To my ears having had a completely balanced home audio system sounded wonderful with XLR cables. For grins I switched to RCA cables & although still nice, it didn't have the fullness as before. This particular gear sounded better balanced &... 
Sorry, yet another
It's not the speakers. I'm not familiar with any of your other gear so won't point fingers.I would strongly suggest waiting on the remodel, work with spkr. placement & your room and also tweak the VR's. If you haven't already, replace the stoc... 
Favorite SS Amp?
I've had an Ayre V-5x for about 1 1/2 years & have to mention up front that I have it for sale, so this isn't a sales offer. Anyway, it's the best stereo amp I've had, period. Plenty of power & current for my VR4 GenIII's to play louder th... 
Biamping vs. Biwiring Pass Labs
I would call Peter Perkins at Pass (530)367-3690 and ask. You might even get Nelson on the phone, as he answers it sometimes.The reason I suggest calling is it's my understanding that Nelson Pass thinks of mono-blocks as the way to amplify & a... 
Can sibilance be eliminated?
I think the original question has to do with too much sibilance & although there are some very poorly recorded tracks that accentuate sibilance, I find it's not usually an issue with the recording.I've found that some silver cables are a littl...