

Responses from driver

I went in there & listened but wasn't impressed with the Wilson Watt 7's. Last years room w/Avalon Eidolon Diamonds was better sounding. I also heard the player in the Joseph Audio room with the new RM55 & it sounded very good powered by A... 
Wife approval factor?
It's not that my wife could care less, it's that I could care less what she thinks of my gear. Well, I care a little but not enough to do anything about it.My only limitations are space, as the stereo does have to share the living room with everyt... 
Keep equipement or trade?
I've fluctuated between being a one & a two & have been trying to settle down again. Some of my trades have been within the line itself & I'll use my amps for example: Once I settled on the Ayre line I had a V-3 for a year then upgrade... 
Are you bored to tears with the topics lately?
Michael Moore is nothing more than an opportunist who capitalized on peoples fears with lies to make himself some money. 
OK time for Christmas Music
Well, my local radio station gave away "stockings" and this one had Jethro Tull's Christmas album in it. I haven't played it yet but as I type this the Jimi Hendrix Christmas album is playing.I'll have to check out the Jaci Velasquez CD. 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
I've also had some private emails with Pat on a few occasions & hope to be able to visit with him one day. In the meantime my thoughts & prayers are with him & will be. 
Shortlist of Speaker Cables/ICs: advice/opinions
Again, in all seriousness, even though all cables exhibit certain qualities that are supposed to translate into how they should sound in your system, it really does take an in home audition to get a true feel how they'll work for you, for in addit... 
Shortlist of Speaker Cables/ICs: advice/opinions
In all seriousness, unless you borrow the cables from your dealer (or whoever) and audition in your own system, you are trying them blind.My suggestion would be contact the cable company & let them know what you're after. They have a program t... 
Audiogon rocks with.......
Yep, that's what I sold mine for. I forgot about the spkr break-in when I was writing & if they need more hrs. they could get a bit hard sounding when you push them. I broke my VR4GenIII's in with a V-3 so by the time I put the 5x in the syste... 
Audiogon rocks with.......
I had the V-5x for 2 yrs. & only sold it to get the V-1x. I have an all SS system & didn't have any problems with glare & if you have some reflective surfaces that might add to the mix. Spkr. placement might need to be addressed too.Al... 
Isolation Platform - to be or not to be for CDP?
If I had a budget of $200.00 to isolate my CDP in an all wooden cabinet I would get a set of Aurios, although I don't know how they would fare once the rack was changed.Instead of going into details, may I suggest a search of "Isolation Devices Bi... 
Any suggestions on a PC for an aleph P?
I was using a Chris VH DIY Flavor 2 on mine but sold it earlier this year after 3 1/2 yrs. Nothing wrong with it-I'm moving to a full function unit.Anyway, I used the Flavor 2 on my amp but have upgraded to the Flavor 4 with Gold Wattgates. Subtle... 
Von Schweikert v. Tyler Question
The GenIII's & Gen IIISE's are front ported. I have the GenIII's 16" from side wall & 19" from back wall. 
Component that stopped the upgrade cycle cold?
I'm about 3 months shy of the 3 year ownership on my speakers but I ordered my VR4GenIII's in Oct. 2001, having to wait almost 5 mo. for delivery. I've been tempted a few times to go with something else but I did some minor tweaks & supported ... 
amp for infiinity kappa 9
I had the Kappa 8's & drove them with the Adcom 565 mono blocks and only blew one or two mid range drivers over an 8 year period. I think mono block is the way to go with these spkrs. For the coin a good fit might be the Odyssey Stratos & ...