
Responses from dopogue

Sony's XA777ES CD: competitive sound or obsolete?
I'd say obsolete, especially as CD playback is concerned (pretty easy to beat). As to the "ticking time bomb" issue, my XA777ES started refusing to read discs after about 5-6 years. I sent it to Sony Laredo and it came back okay, but in the meanti... 
Is high-end audio dying, if not dead already???
I'm with you, Timrhu.And Sunnyjim, you need a new moniker :-) 
Anyone into cassettes?
Yeah, Willy Hermann is da man! 
Anyone into cassettes?
Wow, another BX-300 owner and enthusiast. I found this deck here on Audiogon last year and still can't believe how great it sounds. 
PS Audio P-10
Don't let the experience sour you on getting a P10. I wouldn't be without mine. 
Capitol Audio Fest Speakers?
Pops, those amazing little speakers were designed by the Soundsmith (Peter Ledermann) himself and sold by them. Not cheap ($3,000/pr. for the littler ones and $4,000/pr. for the slightly larger ones), but I could have sworn there were subwoofers s... 
Cartridge for Empire 698 turntable
Czarivey, and you know that, how?Having owned a 2M Black for about 6 months, I kinda doubt it. 
London Decca
The grounding ideas are worth a try, but Deccas, including mine, seem to have an affinity for hum that defies attempts to remove it. 
Tape Slipping out of guide on a TEAC X1000R
You might join the Yahoo Reel to Reel group. Plenty of folks there who are familiar with your tape deck (which I used to own). The symptom you describe is familiar to me and was always my signal to get the deck in for service/adjustment/alignment,... 
Why not magnetic tapes in stead of vinyl records?
Nobody loves open reel tape more than I do, but it's a really impractical medium unless you DO love it. You can't find any particular track on a 7" reel without searching endlessly and you sure can't find it on a 10 1/2" reel. So you pretty much h... 
Regenerator, Balanced Power, or Power Cleaner?
I bought a PS Audio P300 Regeneratgor after the rave reviews in the late 1990s and liked it so much I bought another one, because these early models didn't handle many components, especially not power amplifiers. When Paul McGowan introduced the c... 
Marantz SR5008 vs Cambridge Audio AZUR 650R
To repeat, the Gallo SA is just a SUBWOOFER amp (that's what the SA stands for) and is not designed to drive the Reference 3.5s full-range. The woofers in the 3.5s have two voice coils. The primary voice coil is driven along with the mid-range and... 
Marantz SR5008 vs Cambridge Audio AZUR 650R
I hope you don't mean you're using the Gallo SA amp as the main amplifier. It's a subwoofer amp, intended to drive only the second pair of inputs (which affect only the second voice coil of the 3.5 speakers' woofers). Ifs you don't have the operat... 
OPPO 105; how to beat it and at what price?
Another option. Send your Oppo 105 to Dan Wright (Modwright) for his $2500 mod which includes an outboard tubed power supply and tubed (6SN7) output among many other improvements. I further treated mine to NOS rectifier and output tubes. Couldn't ... 
Denon 103r with no serial number?
Why would anyone counterfeit a cart that's as inexpensive as a DL103r?