Responses from don_c55
My pet peeve: "revealing" speakers Revealing could also mean high resolution.Which IMO is a desired characteristic of a great system. | |
Is Wife Acceptance Factor (WAF) sexist? Ladies want feminine decor in the home, and do not give a darn about sound quality.Solutions are a private listening room or headphones.I view this issue as equal rights! | |
Line conditioner... I have gotten great results with Chang Lightspeed powerline filters.Lower noise, warmer sound quality, and better sound staging.Works wonders in my home theater also.Power factor correction, lightning protection, noise reduction, isolation between... | |
Why was the entry level line at Audio Research eliminated? There is plenty of older ARC product available used today.ARC and others have found there is little demand and profit in less expensive product after the loss of the middle class since the 2008 crash.IMO the new ARC does not have the richness and ... | |
Solid states more accurate than tubes? SS has higher 7th and 9th harmonic distortion than tubes and that is not as natural sounding to the ear!Tubes have higher 2nd and 3rd harmonics, however that is generally more pleasant, so there is a subjective sonic trade off between tubes and SS... | |
Tubes, to damp or not to damp? Tube dampers screw up the thermal heat transfer of the tube and should not be used! | |
Music Player Suggestion Very, very , old school are you living your youth! | |
Which R2R DAC UP TO 1K: ORGANIC, FULL-BODIED, DEEP SOUNDSTAGE Buy a used Schiit Gungnir Multibit 5. | |
Bob Dylan - new album just out on Tidal - Rough and Rowdy Ways Dylan turned to crap after Blood on the Tracks Lp IMO. | |
A warm DAC? The Schiit Gungnir Multibit 5 has a warm tone that is lacking in other DACs including the Yiggy IMO. | |
Sexy singer(s) and/or song(s) Martha Davis of The Motels. | |
Which one to choose between two 80K$ tube amps? If you are going to spend $80K why ask the clowns on this site for a good answer? | |
VPI Speed Controller The old VPI SDS is better! | |
Any alternative to Radio Shack sound level meter? There are several iPhone apps that work very well and are free or a few dollars.RTA Audio Pro, , RTA ( also spectrum analyzer)Decibel X, dB meter Pro (can be calibrated) | |
Pass 260.8 owners...Question Cable choice as to sound quality depends on the particular power amp and speaker.What are your speakers? |