
Responses from dogberry

System that sounds so real it is easy to mistaken it is not live
You have to remember That my system is line source. It's volume does not fade with distance like a point source system will. There's probably a Nobel waiting for someone to show the inverse square law doesn't apply to sound from any source.  
Field coil dava cartridge
Actually, @pindac , I have been housebound for a long time now. CLL wrecks one's immunity at the best of times, but when you add in a bone marrow transplant and a pandemic, I have to be very careful. My hi-fi is bringing me soup and sanity, and wi... 
Field coil dava cartridge
I lived in Camden 1976-1977, and between The Hippodrome/Camden Palace/KoKo and Dingwall and on up to the Roundhouse there was lots to slip up on adorning the sidewalks (or pavements as we Brits call them)! Or was Peoples Vomit a punk band I missed?  
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”?
BBC Singers at The Edinburgh Festival, with Sofi Jeannin (mezzo) and arranged by Paul Drayton. I don't have a recording, but heard it on CBC radio (we have great FM reception here, but a pity the CBC plays mostly dreck these days).  
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”?
It was the first really good one you heard and it left an indelible impression on you.  I daresay there is something in what you say - first love and all that. The eye-opening (ear-opening?) experience that reveals previously unknown possibilit... 
SME V service manual/parts list are no longer authorized SME dealers. They used to be the distributor for Canada too (and there is much bad blood about them losing that to Bluebird Music!)  
SME V service manual/parts list
Rather than do any risky surgery I'd use a $25 digital scale - which is what I do anyway with my Series V.  
Ultrasonic record cleaners
I think the main change for the Degritter Pro is that it uses two baths, with one reserved for rinsing. It automates what many people already do by swapping the tank with a second one for a DW rinse. I can take my cleaned record out of the Degrit... 
how were copies of vinyl made in "third-party" countries
@teo_audio I was interested to hear your comments on Canadian pressings. My brother and I both grew up in the UK and bought records there. He moved to Canada in 1978 and I followed him in 1985. I now have all his LPs, and so there are several wher... 
Static attack! Time to get the humidifiers going
Once cleaned, the only thing I want to touch my records is the stylus. So if there is a visible speck of dust or a skin flake on the record (a new problem since I now have GVHD skin rashes) I use a photographic blower brush (one of the big ones, l... 
Moving Iron Adventures
And after all that......GOOD NEWS!   Don't know who that is, nor if armatures are to be made again, but this is excellent news!  
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”?
@lewm I owe you thanks. I tried the same process with the Grado Statement 3 and it has transformed the cartridge from being a boring but honest into a spirited creature that just about beats out the Sussurro. It likes 100Ω best of all. I put the g... 
Moving Iron Adventures
Having heard the Sussurro MkII transformed by treating it as an MC and playing with the resistive loading, I had to do the same with the Grado Statement 3. This has an output of 1mV, which could be treated as MM or MC. I have used it as an MM, but... 
Ultrasonic record cleaners
I have modified my practice as a result of reading Neil's thoughts (I must have missed it in the book, if it was there). I now de-gas each morning before cleaning my first disk. And that is not some sordid reference to the bathroom. So far, I can... 
Cartridge burn-in
The bloody hard thing is to know when to dismiss a cartridge as...err...not what you wanted. I can agree that they continue to change for up to 100 hours. Most of the change will be heard in the first 20 hours. But if there are cartridges that are...