
Responses from dlwask

Speed Box for turntable
I would not worry too much about putting an aftermarket power cord from the wall to the SDS. Its function is to condition/clean/filter/stablize...whatever you want to call it...the power it outputs to the motor. 
Trelja in New York - 2005
Very nice report, thanks for taking the time to put it together for those of us that were unable to attend this year. 
Unused balanced outputs
Thanks. That is kind of what I thought, just was not sure. I had one of those know it all electrical type guys over recently and he commented about the unused balanced connections needing to be covered or capped and I was not sure what he was talk... 
McCormack DNA225 w/Platinum Upgrade???
Search the reviews, another member recently posted his findings after the upgrade...its a good review. 
Need help choosing IC
I would add Jena Labs to your list (Trio or Fugue). Given your description it sounds like it would be just what you are looking for. My previous interconnects were detailed at the frequency extremes and almost lean sounding, they lacked "life" as ... 
Amazing ''Overachieving'' products...your pick?
Magnepan MMGsRega P3 with Exact cartridgeSpeltz Anti-CablesCreek 5350SE 
Pass Labs X 150 or Plinius sa 100 mk III
Any complaints, sonically, about the Krell you are replacing? What sonic traits are you looking for in your next amp? 
The most detailed speaker cable??
I recently purchased the Spletz anti-cables out of curiosity to try in my system. My early impressions are that these cables are remarkably clear and detailed. They are not bright but ever so slightly forward. Could be just what your looking for. ... 
Review: VH Audio Flavor 4 Power cord
I've been using a Flavor 4 Gold for about 6-8 weeks now on my amp with great results. It easily betters the mid-priced Kimber, Cardas and PS Audio power cords I have tried. The bass improved slightly in the key areas of definition/extension/weight... 
Audio Research 150.2 with Jm Labs 926 Electras?
I've never heard the JM 926s, but I have heard the ARC 150.2 with a variety of speakers (Vandy, Magneplaner, Aerial, Pro-Ac) and always thought the sound was pretty good. 
Cart for VPI Scout? Blackbird, Ruby2H, Shelter 901
Not sure, but I don't think the Shelters are the best match compliance wise for the JMW 9 arm. Might want to check into that before you buy. If it is indeed the 901 as mentioned, the deal is too good to pass up. Screw it and get that one! I curren... 
Review of Dartzeel NHB-108 Amplifier
thats easy mike, hooper was mesmerized by the glowing red eyes of the dartzeel amp...the amp made him do it!!! 
Pearl Jam - Rearview mirror on vinyl
I admit I did have my hopes up pretty high with this one. Still good jams on the albums but nothing I could sit down with for an hour thats for sure. Should have got the Peferct Circle album instead...Maynard rocks!Tomorrow it is Mr Hooper! 
System building -budget $15,000
This is one lucky man! BUT....thats a big budget for a guy who is not a confirmed audiophile. My suggestion is to get a decent 2.1 channel HT system with a plasma and a universal player instead. If this guy likes it and gets into the audiophile th... 
Best drink while listening to your rig?
Ok I'll admit it, I really enjoy kool-aide tropical punch or grape. I'm still just a kid I guess.