

Responses from dinov

Storage of other speakers in the room, shorting them while not in use? Myth or true?
Wow, this is news to me!  
B&W 802 D2 Capacitors Worth Upgrading?
+1 @erik_squires great summation on preserving high quality speakers!  
Shunyata Research Venom X EF Power Cable - Have you heard them?
@nutty I don’t think you have to burn in shunyata cables any more. At least that’s what they told me on my power cables.   
Would you spend you money on modest brand new car or rather buy top notch vintage one?
Let someone else take the depreciation hit. I’d buy used if possible. But then it’s all dependent on what and how much? As a side note, I love restored vintage gear. It has more resale potential then new.    
For those of you who had spent over hundred thousand dollars for your sound system.
I don’t regret it at all. For me, it was money spent over the course of a number of years, and part of the audiophile “upgrade” process so to speak. In fact, it still goes on today. That’s what make this hobby a hobby for me. If I had spent the mo... 
Has Anyone Compared the DAC On a Bluesound NODE 3rd Gen to a Separate DAC?
Yes, it’s an excellent DAC for the money. And part of why the node is such a good product. However, it’s easily bested by many better DACs out there. It will either satisfy you or get you thru “admirably” until you upgrade.   
Talking about service!
I have hear a lot of good things about Peter and Soundsmith! This just sealed the deal for me. I’m using them for my next cartridge overhaul.   
Owning Up To It
1978, Led Zepplin concert in Tampa Stadium. About 5 minutes after they started playing a Florida thunderstorm with lightning started. The band left the stage for safety, and never came back. Concert over……  
Are Expensive Balanced Interconnects Necessary?
I would have to say yes, but it depends upon the ability of your system to reveal details in the music. In other words, a very expensive cable may not be able to reveal its full potential in some entry level systems. So yes I would agree with some... 
Current Universal Players
McIntosh MCT 500 transport or the mc550. Stay with a well made reputable and fixable player! My MCT transport also plays usb dsd files. Great if you have your own dac.   
What Is Most Important?
Since I’m a McIntosh fan, it’s all about “For the love of music” and how it sounds. Soundstage, details, pleasing to my ears!  
What say you binding posts or direct wire?
For many many years I just rant bare wire connections from my amp to speakers. I just switched to a very neat array of banana plugs. When I installed the banana plugs I noticed the tarnish, grime whatever on the ends if the wires and what a mess i... 
How long should speaker cables be?
+1 on everyone who said long enough to reach the speakers!   
Less Is Really More - Schiit's New Yggdrasil DAC - Less Is More
@jetter +1  
Has this happened to you? How can it be stopped?
I’m with you 100% brother. During Covid I assembled two McIntosh vintage tube stereo systems, which I still have and enjoy, just not enough room. I also bought a pioneer integrated amp and an adcom pre…why I don’t know. The pioneer was my modifica...